2023 Boston Marathon®

Casandra Oldham

About me!

I"m a Mom to three boys, the younger two have autism level 3. I've taken the struggles and lessons I've learned from raising them and spend my days working as a advocate. I try to help other parents navigate the often confusing world of special education, complex medical issues, finding appropriate services and linking them to reasources. 

I've laways kept in shape but an accident in my 20's left me with sever injuries to my leg. Once it was saved from amputation I was told I'd never run again. Running takes on a new feeling and new meaning when you spend a decade never thinking you'll be able to do it. 

My oldest son got me to do a Sparatn race and I fell in love with the escape it offered from my daily stresses. I noticed that if I could run a bit better I'd do well in my age group. With my injury I wasn't fast but found I could out grit others so I worked on endurance. When I was helping a disabled runner through the course I mentioned my leg injury and they told me that the Boston Marathon had a category for people like me. This is what gave me the idea to try and team up with an Autism Organization that helps families like mine to give me purpose for my race.

My why!

I was consumed with emotion as I ran my first Boston Qualifying time earlier this year. It was a goal I never imagined I'd accomplish and certainly one I would not have accomplished if I had not run with Dougies Team as an adaptive athlete Oct of 2021. The support, compassion, enthusiasim and love that they showed me helped me push and believe in myself. I saw Dougies team do this for all sorts of other athletes. This energy and kindness is contagious and they give it away so freely. I really missed it when I ran in April and knew I needed to join them going back. However, that is just a small part of what I love and admire about this organization. They help people like my younger two disabled sons find a place in the world. In a world that is hard, confusing and overwhelming they provide a comfort and calm. A group to connect with! Many people were isolated during COVID and have a small window into what some disabled people and their families live like for life. Dougies team changes that and its such a gift!

Please help me help them to contiune to do all their good work!!

2023 Boston Marathon Recap





of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Casandra Oldham April 2023 $100.00
  • Mike Sego Hello! I am one of your Flutie teammates and we will be running the Boston Marathon together in April. I was inspired by your story, and I wanted to contribute to your fundraising. I also am a parent to a son with autism, and running has been an important January 2023
  • Rosanna beaulieu January 2023 $100.00
  • Joe bitar January 2023 $50.00
  • Richard van patten January 2023 $50.00
  • Casandra Oldham April 2023 $100.00
  • Rosanna beaulieu January 2023 $100.00
  • Jeff shiring January 2023 $100.00
  • Paula goodege-kunwar January 2023 $100.00
  • Jeff shiring January 2023 $70.00