Alyssa's Race Against Rett Syndrome
Alyssa is participating in the Disney Princess Races for the 5th year supporting her friend Evie and other girls like her who have Rett Syndrome. She will be running in the 5k on February 22, 2019 and is look for sposnors.
GP2C supports families dealing with the difficulties of life with Rett Syndrome. Rett is a neurological disorder that affects almost exclusively girls. It affects their ability to speak, walk, or care for themselves. These girls are smart, they know what's happening around them and they are literally trapped in bodies that don't work properly. The children affected most often develop typically until about 18 months and then their bodies begin regressing. Mom and dad are forced to stand by and lose hearing the words "I love you" or getting that tight embrace that makes our worlds. The girls are begin feeling the grips of the Rett Monster and lose their abilities to communicate and effectively function.
It's something that we still have a hard time wrapping our brains around. So in the end we just want to help and this is how we do it.
GP2C also supports medical research and there are HUGE breakthroughs happening NOW. Brave little girls are going through human clinical trials and fighting to get an effective treatment. This isn't one of those things you'll never hear about again.
You can help! You've already done the first thing... you read this far. You know about this disease that so many have never heard of but affects just as many people as ALS or Parkinsons. If you want to go a step further, donate to GP2C and support the families and research that is making a difference.
Our family races with GP2C to support our friend Evie Morris and her family! If you're interested in joining Team Evie for the annual Disney Princess run, let me know and we can hook you up!
My Supporters
- Dealer Direct LLC January 2019 $500.00
- Good Samaritan Shipping Ministries December 2018 $170.00
- Janet Constantine December 2018 $25.00
- Melynda Waldron November 2018
- Marsha Pace Sorry we couldn't make it to the house to participate in the live event. November 2018
- Dealer Direct LLC January 2019 $500.00
- Good Samaritan Shipping Ministries December 2018 $170.00
- Maria Dees You are awesome Alyssa! Sorry we will be unable to make your dinner I'm sure it will be fabulous! November 2018 $100.00
- Glynda Perry 2 Popup dinners for the 6:00 seating October 2018 $60.00
- Daniel & Sarah Frank Yay Alyssa!!! We are so inspired by your generous and creative heart. Keep up the amazing work and philanthropy! November 2018 $50.00