Fox Cities Down Syndrome Awareness Walk 2017   ○   Walking with David

Jeanne Immel

October 7, 2017 10:30am - 3:00pm

My Personal Fundraising Page

Walking with David

Come support David's team "Walking with David".   David is very out going & can put a smile on anyones face!  David started out participating in the Youth Special Olympics & has moved up to the Special Olympics through his school.  He really loves his sports!  He participates in swimming, track & basketball which is his favorite!  He has had the opportunity to go to State Special Olympics for basketball which he brought home a 1st & 2nd place medals!  We as his family support him no matter what place he takes- we are very proud of him!  He has also participated in the walk for 5 years now & has enjoyed being in the Inspire Sports for special need children.  This year he got to participate in a baseball event called "Field of Dreams" for the Matt Kolbe Tournament.  He had a BLAST!  This year he will be in 5th grade & is excited to be in the middle school.  He gets along well with other & is amazing how his fellow classmates treat & help David in school & outside school.  Every year we have a Down Syndrome Motorcycle Ride to raise funds for Down Syndrome Awareness called "Wheels of Hope-Cruz'n 4 Down Syndrome".  We are hoping to have more families with Down Syndrome participate in joining in the fun!!  David has participated for 5 years now & 1 year was able to ride in the sidecar on a motorcycle.  It brought tears to my eyes to see his face light up with excitement!  Today he does ride on the back of his dad's motorcycle once in awhile & loves every minute of it!  So I ask that you show your support to join David's team to help support David & other's with Down Syndrome!





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