Donor Leaderboard

A First Place



A Second Place



HC Third Place

Health Colorado


CB Fourth Place

Colorado Blue Sky


DA Fifth Place

Dave and Heather Pump


Full Rankings

Rank Top Donors Amount Raised
1 Anonymous $5,000.00
2 Anonymous $2,600.00
3 Health Colorado $2,600.00
4 Colorado Blue Sky $2,500.00
5 Dave and Heather Pump $2,500.00
6 Angels of Care $2,500.00
7 Dee Weber Cogburn $1,300.00
8 Department of Human Services Pueblo County $1,300.00
9 Terri Cook $1,300.00
10 CSU Foundation $1,250.00
11 Work Zone Traffic Control $1,250.00
12 Top Notch Personnel $1,250.00
13 Pueblo Community Health Center $1,250.00
14 Mitch Brown $1,250.00
15 United Way of Pueblo County $1,250.00
16 Mariposa Center for Safety $1,250.00
17 Anonymous $1,250.00
18 Pueblo Bank & Trust $1,250.00
19 Voyage Wiser $1,250.00
20 SunWest Credit Union $1,250.00
21 Health Solutions $1,250.00
22 Haven School of Dance $1,250.00
23 Opkalla $1,250.00
24 Blackhills Energy $1,250.00
25 InBank $1,250.00
26 Atencio Engineering $1,250.00
27 Minnequa Works Credit Union $1,250.00
28 The Brown Family $1,250.00
29 Pueblo County Clerk and Recorder $1,250.00
30 The Brown Family $1,250.00
31 USI $1,250.00
32 Pueblo Urban Renewal Authority $1,250.00
33 SECOM $1,250.00
34 Pueblo County Commisioners $1,000.00
35 San Isabel Electric $1,000.00
36 The Pecheck $1,000.00
37 Basin Electric Power Cooperative $1,000.00
38 Taylor Bright $780.00
39 Leadership Pueblo Best Class of 2024 $685.45
40 Jerry Hall and Family $650.00
41 Credit Union of Colorado $625.00
42 Credit Union of Colorado $625.00
43 The Cook Family $625.00
44 The Cook Family $625.00
45 Bank of the San Juans $625.00
46 Bank of the San Juans $625.00
47 Mark and Patti Even $500.00
48 Pueblo Greater Chamber $500.00
49 Farm Box Foods $500.00
50 Natalie Brown $500.00
51 Terri Ferguson $500.00
52 Top Notch Personnel $500.00
53 Natalie Brown $500.00
54 Natalie Brown $500.00
55 Peter and Kelly McCarthy $500.00
56 Maxine Vigil $390.00
57 Taylor C $390.00
58 Anonymous $300.00
59 Samantha Gibson $260.00
60 The Pueblo Zoo $260.00
61 Xaviera Turner $260.00
62 Mom and Dad $260.00
63 John and Sharon Cannon $260.00
64 Kim Archuleta $260.00
65 The Kersten's $256.00
66 Bobby Cuomo $250.00
67 Latino Chamber of Commerce of Pueblo $250.00
68 Peter & Kelly McCarthy $250.00
69 Debbie Wantland $250.00
70 Richard and Rose Gomez $250.00
71 Tom Drolshagen $250.00
72 Ernesto Montoya $250.00
73 Joe and Shelly Even $250.00
74 Joe and Kathy Howell $250.00
75 Steel City Eagles #3367 $250.00
76 Sandy Gutierrez $250.00
77 Mitch Cogburn $250.00
78 Lorraine Glach $250.00
79 Jill Webb $250.00
80 David Pump $250.00
81 Jill Webb $250.00
82 Theodore Cook $250.00
83 Med-Care For You LLC $250.00
84 Heather Pump $250.00
85 Ron Francis $200.00
86 Team Gremillion $150.00
87 Mark Gregory $150.00
88 David Volk $150.00
89 Tam & Taylor Clark $150.00
90 Shalon Marsh $130.00
91 Samantha Hardcastle $130.00
92 Kevin Romero $130.00
93 Barbara Hadley $125.00
94 Patricia Sharkey $125.00
95 Catherine Krause $125.00
96 Tyrell Williams $125.00
97 Terri Padillia $125.00
98 Gail OQuinn $100.00
99 Felix Gonzales $100.00
100 Jerry Carter $100.00
101 Lorraine Glach Inc $100.00
102 Tacos Navarro $100.00
103 Justin Hiniker $100.00
104 MaryAnn Wadleigh $100.00
105 Michelle Decker $100.00
106 Kim and Scott Hinkle $100.00
107 The Uptown Salon by Tone $100.00
108 Susan Awmiller (Stephenson) $100.00
109 Khannah Ditkof $100.00
110 Jamie Reber $100.00
111 Don Donley $100.00
112 Anonymous $100.00
113 Lonny Gomes $100.00
114 Josh Gomes $100.00
115 Nicholas Voss $100.00
116 Hopped Up Trivia $100.00
117 Justin Hiniker $100.00
118 Therese Cook $100.00
119 Larry Salazar $100.00
120 Anonymous $100.00
121 Anonymous $100.00
122 Kathy Reeves $100.00
123 Amanda Atencio $100.00
124 Brad and Darla Weldon $100.00
125 Jasen Everett $100.00
126 Stephanie Colling $100.00
127 Norma Nehren and Kirk Smith $100.00
128 Greg Ortiz $90.00
129 Greg Ortiz $90.00
130 Bob Rowton $67.31
131 Angela Dunn $65.00
132 Cynthia Brown $62.50
133 Dennis Holden $56.00
134 Anonymous $50.00
135 Dana Howarth $50.00
136 Austin Belore $50.00
137 James Muller $50.00
138 Dacia Shaw $50.00
139 Louis Nazario $50.00
140 Regina Donze $50.00
141 Richard Gomez $50.00
142 Jim Houk $50.00
143 Steven Horton $50.00
144 Anonymous $50.00
145 Pignanelli Partners $50.00
146 Amber Shipley $50.00
147 Valerie Gallegos $50.00
148 John Brennan $50.00
149 Sabrena terry Lewis $50.00
150 Sandy Lundahl $50.00
151 Sophisticated Shindigs $50.00
152 Jayne Renkosik $50.00
153 Dianemarie Otto $50.00
154 Therese Cook $50.00
155 Jennifer Chavez $50.00
156 Bernadette Martinez $50.00
157 Jennifer Thornton $50.00
158 Amy Gasperetti $50.00
159 Anonymous $50.00
160 Vanessa Trexel $50.00
161 Anonymous $50.00
162 Madison Taulman $50.00
163 Jennifer Thornton $50.00
164 Grace Henderson $50.00
165 Brandon Beauvais $50.00
166 Anonymous $50.00
167 Darrick Quintana $50.00
168 Salima Scotland $50.00
169 Amy Gasperetti $50.00
170 Cindy Brown $50.00
171 Teah Miller $50.00
172 Krystel and Paul Hendricksen $50.00
173 Anonymous $50.00
174 Theodore Cook $50.00
175 Shyanna and Shell Neu $50.00
176 Sharonn Cannon $50.00
177 Sharon Cannon $50.00
178 Sarah Hoyt $50.00
179 Linda Gomes $50.00
180 Jimmy Torres $50.00
181 Natasha Martinez $50.00
182 Jami Baker Orr $50.00
183 Audre Cowan and Patrice Harrison $50.00
184 Brandon and Shannon Bowen $50.00
185 Sammi Mutz $40.00
186 Sarahi Pinela $30.00
187 Lisa Ortiz $30.00
188 Linda DeNiro $30.00
189 Christina Fisher $30.00
190 Bernay Brumbaugh $25.00
191 Ryan Kendall $25.00
192 Katy Corkill $25.00
193 Jonathan Hernandez $25.00
194 Kim Archuletta $25.00
195 Glenda Martinez $25.00
196 Anonymous $25.00
197 Karen Elgin $25.00
198 Molly Romero $25.00
199 Sophisticated Shindigs $25.00
200 Brittany Campbell $25.00
201 Amberly Brown $25.00
202 Amberly Brown $25.00
203 Keeley Samson $25.00
204 Tom Drolshagen $25.00
205 Amberly Brown $25.00
206 Madison Alfonso $25.00
207 Anonymous $25.00
208 Tami Gerlock $25.00
209 Julie Narod $25.00
210 Adrianna Torres $20.00
211 Karen Hoopes $20.00
212 Regena Newell $20.00
213 Rory Harbert $20.00
214 Patricia Nelson $20.00
215 Anonymous $20.00
216 Deb Jo $20.00
217 Jodie Roberts $20.00
218 Deb Jo $20.00
219 Chance Tyler $20.00
220 Kattie Aguirre $20.00
221 Rebecca Rowton $20.00
222 Katirna Dunkel $20.00
223 Arnold Lewis $20.00
224 Katrina Dunkle $20.00
225 Anonymous $15.00
226 Zachary Ballas $15.00
227 Rebecca Rivera $10.00
228 Dawn Ballas $10.00
229 Mia Gutierrez $10.00
230 Ilyana Vigil $10.00
231 Anonymous $10.00
232 David & Jann H $10.00
233 Liz Trujillo $10.00
234 Alison McCanless $10.00
235 Daniel and Jen (Tate) Hernandez $10.00
236 Katelyn Marmon $7.00
237 Theodore Cook $5.00
238 Katelyn Marmon $5.00
239 Katelyn Marmon $5.00
240 Nicole Colby $5.00
241 Mickie Fonseca $5.00
242 Sandra Guirierrez $5.00
243 Katelyn Marmon $2.00
244 Jimmy Torres $2.00