Please Select An Option

  • Benefit Ticket

    1 ticket includes light bites and drinks

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  • Signature Sponsor

    Includes: 10 tickets with reserved seating, featured in print invitation (deadline July 1st), included in event marketing, and verbal recognition at event

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  • Presenting Sponsor

    Includes: 8 tickets, included in event marketing, and verbal recognition at event

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  • Empower Sponsor

    Includes: 6 tickets, included in event marketing, and verbal recognition at event

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  • Impact Sponsor

    Includes: 4 tickets, included in event marketing, and verbal recognition at event

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  • Inspire Sponsor

    Includes: 2 tickets, included in event marketing, and verbal recognition at event

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Optional Donation
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  • 1 x Package Name


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$0.00 Total Amount To Be Charged