On November 19, 2022 a beloved son, brother, and grandson who's short life touched all he met died by suicide. Sayer Rhys Evans was a beautiful soul who served with the US Marines and the Wilmington (DE) Police Department. 

Sayer accomplished what he set out to. Following in his grandfather's footsteps, he became a United States Marines in May 2018, and served in the reserves until his passing. His dream of becoming a police officer was realized in May 2021 upon graduating, at the top of his class, from the Wilmington Police Department Academy in Delaware. Sayer loved being an officer and served his local community with pride.

Sayer was witty and had a dry sense of humor. He was also highly intelligent, too much for his own good at times.

We would love to have a fundraiser established in his memory so that his passing isn't without meaning.

We will miss him beyond words, beyond time.

~The Sayer Family

Each year, more first responders die by suicide than are feloniously killed in the line of duty. At First H.E.L.P., we are trying to reduce the stigma surrounding emotional health for first responders, acknowledge the service and sacrifice of those we lost to suicide, bring awareness to issue and assist families in the aftermath. Proceeds of this walk will fund care packages for families and agencies after a suicide, grief camps, training and other costs associated with awareness and prevention. 

We believe that first responders who suffer emotional injuries should be recognized and their service to the community honored.

We believe it’s time to put names and faces to the men and women who have died because their emotional injuries became too much to bear.

We believe it’s time to support the families who have lost loved ones to those injuries.

We believe in the saying, “It is not how they died that mattered, it is how they lived”.

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