5th Annual Fasting 5K Detroit - Ahmad Family Fundraising Page!

Support the 5th Annual Fasting 5K in Detroit!

It's Ramadan and a time to be thankful for our blessings. This is our fifth year participating in the Nationwide Fasting 5K and all donations will go towards supporting youth with disabilities

Our international charity IMANA (Islamic Medical Association of North America) provides humanitarian aid through relief missions to save lives and transfer healtchare expertise.  This year funds raised are going towards treating kids with cleft lip and palate.

Our local charity is Project Venture, a 3 day program held by RCPD (MSU's Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities) which is a unique on-campus, pre-college experience for high school students between the ages of 16-18 with a disability.  It offers these students a chance to interactively experience college while encouraging them to pursue a higher education.

Take this opportunity to reap the rewards of Ramadan and give to support these amazing causes. No amount is too little - we appreciate all of your generous donations!

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Join My Team!

My Supporters

  • Sarah Khan May 2019 $25.00
  • Sufia Fateh May 2019 $25.00
  • Lila Khan Good luck everyone !! May 2019 $50.00
  • Farhat Khan May Allah reward you well. Aameen! Good Luck Shirin. May 2019 $300.00
  • Mirza Khan Thank you for being an example for us all. May Allah put barakah in your effort and this cause. May 2019 $100.00
  • Farhat Khan May Allah reward you well. Aameen! Good Luck Shirin. May 2019 $300.00
  • Mirza Khan Thank you for being an example for us all. May Allah put barakah in your effort and this cause. May 2019 $100.00
  • Naseer Khan Great cause! May Allah (swt) make it a great success! May 2019 $100.00
  • Yasmeen Ansari May Allah (swt) help you all and give you full measure of reward for every step! May 2019 $100.00
  • Maqsooda Hayat May 2019 $100.00

My Teammates