Support Haniya’s Fasting 5k and empower youth with disabilities!

Hi all! I’m totally out of shape and unlikely to make it through this but support my unrealistic endeavors with moniiiieees. 

The fasting 5k is an annual event that takes place during the month of Ramadan. We will be walking/running in support of two amazing charities supporting youth with disabilities on May 18th.

The Boston community partnered with a local charity, to promote genuine inclusiveness for youth with disabilities. The charity Empowerment Through Integration (ETI), promotes the achievement of a genuinely inclusive society through the recognition and elimination of stigma against disability, acknowledging and rejecting bias, and elevating respect for individual value. ​Check them out:

Our International charity partner is  IMANA: SaveSmile Surgical Mission
A small portion of all donations from each city running the Fasting 5K will go towards our international charity partner IMANA, towards their SaveSmile Surgical Mission. IMANA will perform cleft lip surgeries on small children and youth in Khartoum, Sudan.

Run with us, or help us reach our goal.

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of your goal reached









Join My Team!

My Supporters

  • Farhan Abbasi Noticed you were just $5 away from your goal so I figured I would get you to the finish line! May 2019
  • Patricia Cahill Have so much fun!! May 2019 $15.00
  • Evan Berry May 2019 $10.00
  • Angesom Teklu Good luck Haniya. May 2019 $20.00
  • krystel loubeau May 2019 $30.00
  • krystel loubeau May 2019 $30.00
  • Angesom Teklu Good luck Haniya. May 2019 $20.00
  • Julia Lejeune May 2019 $20.00
  • Patricia Cahill Have so much fun!! May 2019 $15.00
  • Evan Berry May 2019 $10.00

My Teammates