Our Team Fundraising Page
The fasting 5k is an annual event that takes place during the month of Ramadan. We will be walking/running in support of two amazing charities supporting youth with disabilities on May 18th.
The Charlotte community partnered with a local charity, to promote genuine inclusiveness for youth with disabilities. Best Buddies uses friendship to create a more INCLUSIVE environment in our schools. Pairing a student with a disability with a student without a disability for a mutually beneficial friendship educates students in friendship among individuals with differences! All our friends don't have to be just alike!
Money from the 5k will support these programs to create a more INCLUSIVE NC!
Our International charity partner is IMANA: SaveSmile Surgical Mission
A small portion of all donations from each city running the Fasting 5K will go towards our international charity partner IMANA, towards their SaveSmile Surgical Mission. IMANA will perform cleft lip surgeries on small children and youth in Khartoum, Sudan. https://youtu.be/8JSocPBJbgM
Run with us, or help us reach our goal.
Our Team
- Arzoo Hussain Team Captain $365.00
- AH Arooj Hussain $180.00
- UN Umar Nadeem $110.00
- KA Kiran Adnan $100.00
- MH Muhammad Hussain $60.00
- AH Alliza Haniff $0.00
- ZB Zalfafo Bahasuan $0.00
- TH Tarik Haniff $0.00
- AB Adnan Butt $0.00
- YK Yusra Khalid $0.00
- RQ Rehan Qaisar $0.00
- SM Sumaya Mahmood $0.00
- NK Nicole Kaufman $0.00
- BC Brittany Chery $0.00
- SM Salman Mahmood $0.00
- AH Arkar Htoo $0.00
- IB Ida Bayasud $0.00
- Madison Pareja $0.00
- KJ Kiana Jung $0.00
- NS Niza Sulahry $0.00
- Yara Elzayat $0.00
- ER Evie Rosseel $0.00
- MH Marlon Haniff $0.00
- RS Rohina Shah $0.00
- SA SYED ASAD $0.00
- WH Wasim Hussain $0.00
- MH Mohammad Hussain $0.00
Recent Activity
Brittany Chery joined Charlotte
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Rohina Shah joined Charlotte
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Nicole Kaufman joined Charlotte
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Alliza Haniff joined Charlotte
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Evie Rosseel joined Charlotte
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Our Supporters
- Anonymous May 2019
- Shaun Ahmad May 2019 $100.00
- Anonymous May 2019 $40.00
- Anonymous RUN FOREST RUN May 2019 $60.00
- Arzoo Hussain RUN BOY RUN May 2019 $40.00
- Shaun Ahmad May 2019 $100.00
- Kiran Adnan May 2019 $100.00
- Sarosh A Great work for a great cause. May 2019 $80.00
- Anonymous RUN FOREST RUN May 2019 $60.00
- Anonymous May 2019 $60.00