Become a Sponsor Today!

Sponsor Today or Download a Pledge Form 

The Federation is a trusted source of information and support for tens of thousands of Massachusetts families, and particularly for families of children with disabilities and special healthcare needs. Connect with our community by supporting our mission and becoming an IMAGINE Gala Sponsor today.

All sponsors over $1,000 are eligible for a listing in our “Support our Supporters” Resource Directory. Linked from our home page and promoted to our mailing list at least twice per year, this listing provides you with a year-round opportunity to connect with our community. View the directory at:

Sponsorship Levels & Benefits

Download the Sponsor Levels Packet

$50,000 – Presenting Sponsor

  • Four adjacent tables in VIP location (40 tickets)
  • Premier positioning in all event marketing including:
  • Logo and name above the event title in all marketing messages
  • Logo on Front Cover of our commemorative anniversary book, with premier positioning of full page custom message inside
  • Signage with custom message at entrance to event
  • Verbal appreciation for your sponsorship during event introductory remarks
  • Message to supporters specifically spotlighting your sponsorship
  • Prominent positioning of logo and link on the website and in event emails and social media posts
  • Feature Story highlighting your commitment to children and/or adults with disabilities in FCSN Newsline
  • Custom plaque – perfect for displaying to your customers

$25,000 – Visionary Sponsor

  • Three adjacent tables in VIP location (30 tickets)
  • Prominent positioning of your full page custom message in our 50th Anniversary Book
  • Logo and custom message displayed at event entrance, onscreen visuals, and in the auction app
  • Logo and link featured in all event marketing including website, email, and social media
  • Custom appreciation plaque, perfect for display

$15,000 – Innovator Sponsorship

  • Two adjacent tables in VIP location (20 tickets)
  • Full page custom message in our 50th Anniversary Book
  • Logo displayed on event signage, onscreen visuals, and event app
  • Logo and link featured in all event marketing including website, email, and social media
  • Framed Certificate of Appreciation

$10,000 – Originator Sponsorship

  • One and a half adjacent tables in VIP location (15 tickets)
  • 1/2 Page custom message in our 50th Anniversary Book
  • Logo displayed on event signage, onscreen visuals, and event app
  • Featured post on social media and on event website
  • Framed Certificate of Appreciation

$5,000 – Conceptualizer Sponsor

  • 1/3 Page custom message in our 50th Anniversary Book
  • One table (10 tickets)
  • Logo displayed on event signage, onscreen visuals, and event app
  • Logo included on social media and on event website
  • Certificate of Appreciation, suitable for framing

$2,500 – Dreamer Sponsor

  • 1/4 Page custom message in our 50th Anniversary Book
  • Half table (5 tickets)
  • Logo displayed on event signage, onscreen visuals, and event app
  • Logo included on social media and on event website
  • Certificate of Appreciation, suitable for framing

$1,000 – Sparker Sponsor

  • 1/6 Page custom message in our 50th Anniversary Book
  • Two Tickets
  • Logo displayed on event signage, onscreen visuals, and event app
  • Logo included on social media and on event website
  • Certificate of Appreciation, suitable for framing

Thank You To Our Sponsors