My Personal Fundraising Page

When Zumasys first launched its Happyness Is a Choice program four years ago, we never could have imagined where it would lead us. Through the program, we’ve worked with hundreds of nonprofits around the globe. But one program in particular—in a small country halfway around the world—has truly touched our hearts.

Firm Foundations Romania (FFR) started by providing diapers for abandoned children at the Brasov Children’s Hospital. Led by a California missionary, singer and songwriter who visited Romania in her 20s (and never left), FFR volunteers change diapers and hold babies who would otherwise spend all day lying alone in diapers made of rags. Over 10 years later, FFR is working to break the cycle of poverty that plagues rural Romania and is literally changing lives with programs like a kids’ club, an afterschool program, and high school mentorship.

FFR runs on a shoestring budget, but they care for and impact hundreds of children, struggling mothers and disadvantaged teens in Romania. Their goal is to reach each all of the more than 1,000 children in the village of Budila, which is home to a large population of Roma—a disadvantaged ethnic minority. They have a long way to go to reach that goal, but we are going to help.

Zumasys is pledging to help FFR achieve its goal to change the lives of children in rural Romania. For just $290, we can provide the food, transportation and mentorship that these children need for one year. These children desperately need help, and you can make a lasting difference in their lives.

Through Happyness Is a Choice, we will match every dollar donated. Our goal is to raise $50,000, so we challenge you and your organization to donate as much as you are able. Your $290 donation will be used to:

  • Buy diapers for babies at the Brasov Children’s Hospital
  • Sponsor and feed children in the afterschool program
  • Provide transportation for teens from Budila to attend high school
  • Sponsor teens in apartments to attend high school and university

Help us spread Happyness by loving the unloved and providing educational opportunities to the forgotten youth of Romania.





of your goal reached









My Supporters

  • Susan Giobbi-Warling In gratitude for my loving children..... may our gifts lift up and inspire others. December 2016 $103.95
  • Mariana Gavrila Thank you for your kind heart! I'm happy you chose Romania! Please in the future consider using Paypal also as a payment method. November 2016 $51.97
  • Paul Giobbi November 2016 $20.00
  • mark mcmanigal November 2016 $103.95
  • Anonymous November 2016 $500.00
  • Jeffrey Farrow November 2016 $519.75
  • Anonymous November 2016 $500.00
  • Peddycord Law November 2016 $301.45
  • Paul Radovsky In honor of Paul Giobbi - keep up the good works November 2016 $301.45
  • Kamron Khalili November 2016 $301.45