CityTeam Portland's Framing the Future 2024

Friday, May 10 | 6:30PM–8:30PM

You’re invited to CityTeam’s 2nd Annual Framing the Future Event. We will share exciting updates and continue to cast a vision for the year ahead.

This event gives you the opportunity to hear first-hand from former and current residents in our programs who have had their lives restored because of the resources available at CityTeam. This year's program will include a light meal, keynote speakers, and a panel discussion.

We look forward to seeing you!

University of Portland - Bauccio Commons
Bauccio Commons, University of Portland, Terrace Room, Portland, OR 97203

A note from Lance Orton, Executive Director of CityTeam Portland:

At last year’s Framing the Future event, I cast a vision for a CityTeam women’s program that would complement our men’s programs. Our wonderful supporters were so enthusiastic about making this vision a reality and recognized the desperate need for women’s services in our city. Announcing this dream from the stage was both exciting and overwhelming. I must admit, I was unsure how we would bring this grand idea to fruition-- so unsure that after the event I was brought to my knees in prayer.

I asked God for a solution. I prayed for a location, the proper connections, and the financial support required for a women’s program. Just then, I received a call from Josh Hawk, the Executive Director of AllOne, asking to meet and discuss the possibility of acquiring Community of Hope. In my eyes, this was God’s providential timing being displayed. I could hardly believe it!

With a lot of excitement and discernment, CityTeam and AllOne prayed, negotiated, and did due diligence. Both boards decided to move Community of Hope from under AllOne’s umbrella, and transition it to CityTeam.

By the time you join us for our second annual Framing the Future event, CityTeam’s women’s program will be fully operational. I look forward to celebrating alongside you, the supporters that made this acquisition possible. Join us to cast a vision for how we will elevate our current life-restoring programs, expand into serving new demographics, and empower more men and women than ever before.

With Gratitude,
Lance Orton

See photos from last year's event!

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