My Personal Fundraising Page

Born in 1984, Nina was a typical baby—happy and joyful. Around two years old she started to exhibit behaviors of extreme frustration and by three she wasn’t sleeping most of the nights. My husband and I alternated getting up with her and staying up for most of the night. When we did get back to sleep, it was either time to get up to get our other girls off to school, or to go to work. We worked opposite schedules to ensure one of us was with Nina most of the time with support from Washington County.


We considered sending Nina to Fraser, but we lived in Oakdale and the only clinic at that time was in Richfield. Plus, car rides were often a challenge with Nina pulling my hair or worse, shifting the gear and putting our lives in danger.


The next years were filled with highs and lows as Nina continued to make incredible gains thanks to Otter Lake Elementary School. She was musically inclined and could recite every Disney movie or special song. She was very verbal and had a great sense of humor. She still wasn’t sleeping much so our lives continued to revolve around how Nina was doing.


Could we go somewhere or was it just too much to load up all three girls and pray Nina could make it to the restaurant or store without an outburst or hurting her sisters? Would we have to make a scene by abruptly leaving as people starred and wonder why she was acting this way or worse, why you weren’t controlling your child—as if we could! 

As she grew so did her strength and power and we continued to struggle with having the appropriate care and support. She attended Roseville Middle School and did quite remarkable thanks to the teachers who loved and encouraged her unique gifts. Sadly, a few days after Nina turned 13 she experienced a traumatic health emergency at school. She was rushed to Regions Hospital where they didn’t even know what had happened to her. She sadly passed away and after a lot of tests, the doctors determined she died from a rare illness called Hirschsprung’s disease. Today, that disease is very treatable and is quite common in children with autism.


Even though our daughter was never served at Fraser, I know in my heart that if she was alive today Fraser’s services would have been life-changing for Nina and our family; just like they are for so many of the families Fraser serves! That’s why my family created Nina Babes team, in memory of Nina and support for Fraser—the organization that I have worked for over 16 years. I get to execute the Festival as an employee and participate as a family who knows first-hand the incredible need for support. 


I’m here today to ask you to please join me in helping Fraser continue to provide life-changing services to the many families like ours who are in desperate need of your support. Thank you for helping Fraser create opportunities for kiddos to have amazing and bright futures.


- Rose Rosario, Nina’s mom and auntie Marilyn Blanchard, team co-captains of Nina Babes

















of your goal reached









My Supporters

  • Grandma April 2021 $100.00
  • Stella and Dan April 2021 $100.00
  • Irene April 2021 $200.00
  • Michael In loving memory of Nina. April 2021 $50.00
  • Rose April 2021 $25.00
  • Irene April 2021 $200.00
  • Grandma April 2021 $100.00
  • Stella and Dan April 2021 $100.00
  • Rose March 2021 $100.00
  • Michael In loving memory of Nina. April 2021 $50.00

My Teammates