Donor Leaderboard

SS First Place

Snohomish Sharks


SS Second Place

Snohomish Sharks


TG Third Place

Tina Gomez


PR Fourth Place

Paul Rosser and Chik-fil-A


KA Fifth Place

Kevin and Catherine Ruoff


Full Rankings

Rank Top Donors Amount Raised
1 Snohomish Sharks $843.00
2 Snohomish Sharks $660.00
3 Tina Gomez $319.23
4 Paul Rosser and Chik-fil-A $300.00
5 Kevin and Catherine Ruoff $150.00
6 Carol Taylor $100.00
7 tina gomez $100.00
8 Peter Perrin $100.00
9 Saber Risk Solutions $50.00
10 Chris & Rita Mohn $50.00
11 John Ruoff $50.00
12 Kurt and Nikki Adams $50.00
13 Emma Hope $30.00
14 Susan Hatfield $25.00
15 Mark Weyman $25.00
16 Adriana and Dick Paetzke $20.00
17 Chelsea Cubero $20.00