Does Common Core still teach that Money Doesn't Grow on Trees?
Please help me, my husband Dan, and my 9 yr old son Evan, raise funds for the Junior Achievement Bowl-a-thon as part of National Grid's Northeast Fundraising Challenge. Please consider making a tax deductible contribution to support our team and support this great program.
Th difference between needs and wants
Junior Achievement teaches short lessons, taught in school by volunteers help me reinforce at home that money doesn't grow on trees. Dan and I explain the difference between needs and wants and together we help Evan understanding why he needs to save some of his birthday money for college and other things he wants. Having these lessons taught at school helps me reinforce these same concepts at home as a parent.
As common core is forcing teachers to give up so much, help me, help us, help teachers get access to Junior Achievement great volunteers. Together we can help build a future for our kids by teaching them important lessons about money today so they can make wise investments for tomorrow. Please donate to this great program.