Please Select An Option

  • Gold Sponsor

    0 Available

    Complimentary table for 8
    Logo on the website and event page with a link to your website
    Recognition on Landon's Light social channels
    Onsite recognition at the event and verbal recognition during the program
    Recognition on event materials

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  • Beverage Sponsor

    0 Available

    Complimentary table for 8
    Logo on website and event page with link to website
    Individual business recognition on social post, with business tagged
    Exclusive signage and onsite recognition at the event and verbal recognition during the program
    Recognition on event materials

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  • Purchase a Reserved Table

    0 Available

    8 tickets at a reserved table

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  • Individual Ticket

    One individual ticket.
    Individual tickets will be open seating.

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  • Photobooth Sponsor

    0 Available

    Complimentary table for 8
    Logo on all printed photos from the photobooth experience
    Logo on website and event page with link to website
    Recognition on Landon's Light social channels
    Onsite recognition at the event and verbal recognition during the program
    Recognition on event materials

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Optional Donation
Donation Permissions

Order Summary

  • Your order summary will be displayed here.

  • 1 x Package Name


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$0.00 Total Amount To Be Charged