My Personal Fundraising Page
Thank you for visiting Ava's fundraising page! What would we do without Ava in our lives?! She is our miracle, our heart, our inspiration and our future!! We are proud to be part of the Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin -- Green Bay's Annual Awareness Walk and Fall Fun Fest because it means so much to us and to our family.
Ava would love for you to join us on October 10th and be part of Team Ava! Any particpation or donation is greatly apprecated to show your advocacy and pride!
Donating through this website is simple, fast and totally secure. It is also the most efficient way to support our fundraising efforts. You can make your tax-deductible donation online, or if you would prefer, you can send your contribution to the DSAW-Green Bay Office, 3211 Lake Drive, Suite 113, Saint Francis, WI 53235. Whatever you can give will help ~ it all adds up! To sponsor us simply press Donate Now.
Please also join us on Saturday, October 10th, at Green Isle Park and Walk with us as part of our team. It's an incredible day of celebration with family, friends, and people who, like you, want to raise awareness, raise funds, and raise the hope of a better world for all people with Down syndrome. With your support and involvement, our goals of acceptance, inclusion and empowerment will become a reality!
To join our team, click Register For This Event.
Many thanks for your support ~ and PLEASE don't forget to forward this to your entire address book and anyone else who you think might want to donate and register to walk as part of our Team.
My Supporters
- Todd Peterson I'm sorry I cannot attend the walk this year. Go Team Ava!!! : ) October 2015
- Oconto Falls Elementary School October 2015 $437.00
- Dave Truckey October 2015 $50.00
- Kyle and Gena Brown October 2015 $100.00
- Christopher Stream September 2015 $25.00
- Oconto Falls Elementary School October 2015 $437.00
- Deann Malcore September 2015 $150.00
- GP September 2015 $130.00
- Kyle and Gena Brown October 2015 $100.00
- Barry Fife September 2015 $85.00
My Teammates
- Melissa Moody Team Captain $1,387.00
- KM Kari Moody $230.00
- GZ George Zahorik $200.00
- LK Lori Krause $100.00
- Chris Maederer $25.00
- B Brenda Athey $25.00
- B Brenda Frank $20.00
- D Doug Frank $20.00
- SP Sandra Pardy $10.00
- DF Desiree Frank $10.00
- AY Aaron Yakel
- CZ Cathy Zahorik $0.00
- JC Jamie Cochenet $0.00
- JC Justin Cochenet
- CZ Carol Zahorik $0.00
- HZ Howard Zahorik
- BS Brent Sargent
- JH Jessie Heier
- AC Alison Clausen $0.00
- AC Abigail Clausen
- B Brittany Athey
- CB Crystal Berg $0.00
- HJ Heather Jaklin $0.00
- AF Addison Frank
- ML Mike Leveille
- Kristin yakel $0.00
- T Tracey Anderson-Ash $0.00
- JK Jessica Keck $0.00
- BK Bill Keck
- BC Briella Cochenet
- EM Elexis Myslik
- TM Tom Moody
- JM Jonathan Moody
- AS Amy Sieminski
- JJ Jay Johnsen $0.00
- BB Bensen Butelefski
- JH John Heier $0.00
- CH Cayden Heier
- LS Logan Sargent
- DM Derrick Moody
- SM Sophie Moody
- E Elaina Moody
- BM Brynna Moody
- AK April Kallies $0.00
- NK Nicholas Kallies
- A Ava Moody
- JM Jackson Moody
- RM Ron Moody $0.00
- SM Sandy Moody
- KB Kaylee Berg
- LM Lucy Maederer
- MM Marvin Maederer
- AP Alicia Prochnow
- AM Ashley Maederer $0.00
- AL Amy LeVeille $0.00
- SR Sheila Rathsack $0.00
- JL Jacob Leveille
- ML Michael Leveille
- DM Dakota Messenger
- HM Hunter Messenger
- SC Samantha Cochenet $0.00
- DC Dale Cochenet
- EC Ella Cochenet
- RB Rebecca Butelefski