Donor Leaderboard

A First Place



MD Second Place

Matching Donation


A Third Place



A Fourth Place



MD Fifth Place

Matching Donation


Full Rankings

Rank Top Donors Amount Raised
1 Anonymous $1,521.25
2 Matching Donation $1,462.50
3 Anonymous $1,237.00
4 Anonymous $1,000.00
5 Matching Donation $946.75
6 The Breakfast Club $600.00
7 Matching Donation $537.50
8 Auto Value $500.00
9 Green Earth Compost $500.00
10 Badger Mining Corporation $500.00
11 Anonymous $500.00
12 Thorson Graphics $500.00
13 Hulse Dental $500.00
14 Marine Credit Union $500.00
15 Mayo Clinic Health System $500.00
16 Anonymous $487.00
17 Anonymous $443.50
18 David and Linda Stark $400.00
19 Matching Donation $398.75
20 Matching Funds $329.00
21 Anonymous $300.00
22 Anonymous $295.75
23 Matching Donations $288.75
24 Anonymous $265.58
25 Anonymous $265.58
26 IC Systems 50/50 $255.00
27 Matching Donation $251.25
28 Matching Donation $250.55
29 Paul Freit $250.00
30 Steve & Sharon Earp $250.00
31 Robertson Premedical Advising, LLC $250.00
32 Jesse Broadwater $250.00
33 Jeremy Earp $250.00
34 Anonymous $217.50
35 Anonymous $205.00
36 Mary Palzkill $200.00
37 Anonymous $200.00
38 Ariel Schneider $200.00
39 Gregory and Sandra Mader $200.00
40 anonymous anonymous $200.00
41 Matching Donation $200.00
42 Anonymous $188.00
43 Matching Donation $185.00
44 Anonymous $180.00
45 Brat Barn Fundraiser and Matching donation $163.52
46 Reinhart Foodservice $152.00
47 Abby Nuoffer $150.00
48 Wild Hogs Barry, Rb, Matt, Lee, Pat $150.00
49 Matching donation $150.00
50 Coulee Bank $150.00
51 Matching donation $131.25
52 Matching Donation $131.00
53 Matching Donation $105.00
54 Matching Donation $102.50
55 Matching Donations $101.25
56 Mindy, Andy, & Will Thielker $100.00
57 Jill Mullen $100.00
58 KC Ahrens $100.00
59 Matching Funds $100.00
60 Jean Roscovius $100.00
61 Darci O'Brien $100.00
62 Berdine Freit $100.00
63 Rick Cornforth $100.00
64 Kerry Jedele $100.00
65 David Parduhn $100.00
66 Donna Dummer $100.00
67 Beverly Langston $100.00
68 Delbert Malin $100.00
70 Diane and Allan Brague $100.00
71 Dairyland Power $100.00
72 Mari Jo Stanek $100.00
73 Dave and Marilyn Gellersen $100.00
74 Anonymous $100.00
75 Paulette Weber $100.00
76 Allied Electric of La Crosse Inc $100.00
77 Christine Fillgrove $100.00
78 Jeanne / Joanne Johnson/Rochmond $100.00
79 Susan Berg $100.00
80 Evan Mader $100.00
81 Anonymous $100.00
82 Mary Stark $100.00
83 Linda Kastel $100.00
84 Greg Shuda $100.00
85 jean ahrens $100.00
86 Matching Donation $100.00
87 Kathleen Gresens $100.00
88 Dan Cox $100.00
89 Anonymous $100.00
90 Kevin Josephson $100.00
91 Kate, Carrie, Finn, Camden and Beckett Hutson-Peterson $100.00
92 Laura J Thesing $100.00
93 Kathleen Gresens $100.00
94 Dave Carlson $100.00
95 Breastfest Lacrosse $100.00
96 Bruce Schwier $100.00
97 Elizabeth Sipe $100.00
98 Gretchen Harrison $100.00
99 Scott Thrower $100.00
100 Vicky Wuest $100.00
101 Elisa Hatlevig $100.00
102 La Crescent American Legion Rosie, Sy, Dan, Matt, Mary, John, and Cindy $90.00
103 Richard Hutniak $90.00
104 Matching Donation $77.50
105 Robert and Joan Witte $75.00
106 LISA COON $75.00
107 Matching Funds $75.00
108 Ashley Casperson $70.00
109 Anonymous $69.30
110 Anonymous $62.00
111 Brat Barn Fundraiser and Matching donation $61.32
112 Anonymous $60.00
113 Anonymous $52.50
114 Anonymous $52.50
115 Matching Donation $52.50
116 Anonymous $52.50
117 Matching Donation $52.50
118 Janet Miller $51.25
119 kari karpinske $50.00
120 Jeremy and Mandy Swenson $50.00
121 Anonymous $50.00
122 Fredrick and Cynthia Levendoski $50.00
123 Jane Lynaugh $50.00
124 Anonymous $50.00
125 Kyle Klos $50.00
126 Thomas and Eileen Mader $50.00
127 Earlamae Dahlby $50.00
128 Dawn Ringquist $50.00
129 Richard and Margaret Boudreau $50.00
130 ERIC & CONNIE VOGEL $50.00
131 Ken Peterson $50.00
132 Matching Funds $50.00
133 Donna Lampman $50.00
134 Andrew P Palzkill $50.00
135 Tonda Tollefson $50.00
136 Dawn Nuoffer $50.00
137 Staci Tenner $50.00
138 Eric Marr $50.00
139 sherry wolfert $50.00
140 Susan Kuhn $50.00
141 Jon V Jackels $50.00
142 Mark Schneider $50.00
143 Theresa and Peter O'Kane $50.00
144 Angela and John Brickheimer $50.00
145 Roxanne Kravik $50.00
146 Julie Tenner $50.00
147 Milton and Amy Hendrickson $50.00
148 Angela Darveaux $50.00
149 Sue and Rick Gates $50.00
150 Karla and LaVerne Strayer $50.00
151 Al Wieser, Jr $50.00
152 Kimberly Kania $50.00
153 Nichole Bielefeldt $50.00
154 Stephen Mader $50.00
155 Brian Hass $50.00
156 Alexa Law-Blakeborough $50.00
157 Christine Vehrenkamp $50.00
158 Anonymous $50.00
159 Amber Ruble $50.00
160 Brandon and Ellen Holt $50.00
161 Robert Sweeney $50.00
162 Anonymous $50.00
163 Carol Kollodge $50.00
164 Roy and Dorothea Green $50.00
165 Donald and Patricia Harkness $50.00
166 Jessica Abnet $50.00
167 Avis Collins $50.00
168 ERIC & CONNIE VOGEL $50.00
169 Peter and Amy Grabow $50.00
170 Anonymous $50.00
171 Dan & Donna Mayer $50.00
172 scott mohr $50.00
173 Anonymous $50.00
174 Kathryn Hansen $50.00
175 Anonymous $50.00
176 Matching Donation $50.00
177 Debbie and Paul Conterato $50.00
178 T.M Ratigan $50.00
179 Kim Ferguson $50.00
180 Amy Armiento $50.00
181 Lori and Joeseph Linzmeyer $50.00
182 Jacquelyn and Ryan Schreiner $50.00
183 Nicole Wilson $50.00
184 Aimee Zucco $50.00
185 Mary Ellen Mccartney $50.00
186 Ashley Patros-Kader $50.00
187 Julie Miller $50.00
188 Joan Strahota $50.00
189 Dawn Ringquist $50.00
190 Jack Peterson $50.00
191 Todd Olson $50.00
192 Dawn Nuoffer $50.00
193 Heather Lukas $50.00
194 Joyce Woychik $50.00
195 First Lutheran Preschool, Melissa Rolbiecki $50.00
196 Sarah Trapp $50.00
197 Terry Tornow $50.00
198 Lynn Drecktrah $50.00
199 Amy Haakenson $50.00
200 Nicki Nelson $50.00
201 Jill Ender $50.00
202 Kerry Gloede $50.00
203 Barbara and Virgil Hill $50.00
204 Laura Pfaff $50.00
205 Kathleen Bray $50.00
206 Fred and Linda Pedretti $50.00
207 Anonymous $50.00
208 Jill Zukowski $50.00
209 Betty Thorson $50.00
210 Mary Baldwin $50.00
211 Suzanne Wolf $50.00
212 Rick Cornforth $50.00
213 Jon and Gwen Crusan $40.00
214 Nicole Robinson $40.00
215 Eleanor Moore $40.00
216 Ginny Wheeler $40.00
217 Stephanie Sullivan $40.00
218 Pla Mor Lanes $35.00
219 Sue Kile $32.58
220 Matching Donation $30.50
221 Tiffani Smoot $30.00
222 Crystal Kassera $30.00
223 Michele Neitzel $30.00
224 Kathleen Casper $30.00
225 Karen Levendoski $30.00
226 Larry and Susan Wrobel $30.00
227 Matching Donation $30.00
228 Laura Holum $30.00
229 Anonymous $30.00
230 Sara Roemen $30.00
231 Patricia Ardovino $30.00
232 Barbara Ninneman $30.00
233 Anonymous $26.25
235 Marjorie Anderson $25.00
236 Lorrayne French $25.00
237 Kathleen Dummer $25.00
238 Andrea Jessessky $25.00
239 frances harris $25.00
240 Sherry Monson $25.00
241 Josh Chaplin $25.00
243 John & Lori Hammes $25.00
244 Nancy Belden $25.00
245 Shirley Berberich $25.00
246 Scott Kvalheim $25.00
247 Diane Lamacki $25.00
248 Angie Burish $25.00
249 Kristin Paradise $25.00
250 Andrea Jeffers $25.00
251 Randolph or Judith Eddy $25.00
252 Mary Fiers $25.00
253 Betty Thiel $25.00
254 Tina Dahl $25.00
255 Connie Collins $25.00
256 Beverly DiNicola $25.00
257 Sarah Rank $25.00
258 Amy Breyer $25.00
259 Barb Thiel $25.00
260 Jenny & Jason Fleming $25.00
261 Rebecca Coleman $25.00
262 Cynthia McCarty $25.00
263 Linda Nereng $25.00
264 Jessica Vecchioni $25.00
265 Laura Nicolai $25.00
266 Connie and Jerry Pesarcyk $25.00
267 Erik & Krista Skjervem $25.00
268 Lynn Sweet $25.00
269 Tricia Waughtal $25.00
270 Dean and Deborah Malay $25.00
271 Jennifer Johnson $25.00
272 Mark and Betty Martino $25.00
273 Margaret and George Bell $25.00
274 Katrina Templin $25.00
275 Sullivan Edwards $25.00
276 Ralph and Marjory Olson $25.00
277 Ida Sass $25.00
278 Anicca Klug $25.00
279 Jennifer Wulf $25.00
280 Garry and Jo Ellen Oliver $25.00
281 Stephanie Umberger $25.00
282 Cheryl Hartert $25.00
283 Katie Weisbecker $25.00
284 Kolleen Wick $25.00
285 Judy Althoff $25.00
286 Heather Lukas $25.00
287 Andrea Anderson $25.00
288 Jenny Levendoski $25.00
289 Kerry Schaller $25.00
290 Deanna Langrehr $25.00
291 Ann Zukowski $25.00
292 Anonymous $25.00
293 Silke Sambataro $25.00
294 Michael Soto $25.00
295 Darci O'Brien $25.00
296 Geraldine Bischofberger $25.00
297 Dave and Shelley Collins $25.00
298 Matthew and Amy Mader $25.00
299 Francis Zernhelt Jr $25.00
300 John Thiel $25.00
301 Jenny Halverson-Ahlert $25.00
303 Anonymous $25.00
304 Lisa Berra $25.00
305 Rose Marie Thiel $25.00
306 Wendy Hauser $25.00
307 Bud & Sharon Loomis $25.00
308 Sue Kile $25.00
309 Leah Justin $25.00
310 Joanne Mashak $25.00
311 Heather Wuolle $25.00
312 Kate Poff $25.00
313 John Yaggie $25.00
314 Lisa Anderson $25.00
315 Cathy and Joe Pastorek $25.00
316 Rebecca Henry $25.00
317 Jennifer Erpenbach $25.00
318 Queen Lila Dummer $25.00
319 David and Denise Strudthoff $25.00
320 Martin and JoBeth Gaul $25.00
321 Erica Conterato $25.00
322 Mae Edwards $25.00
323 Robert and Silvana Richardson $25.00
324 Barb & Dan Hurley $25.00
325 Laura Dutton $25.00
326 Carol Sill $25.00
327 Brenda Moser $25.00
328 Brianne Hess $25.00
329 LouAnn Ryan $25.00
330 Kelly Weber $25.00
331 Darin Streeck $25.00
332 Shari Oelke $25.00
333 Melissa Schultz $25.00
334 Thomas and Mary Genz $25.00
335 Jamie Frausto $25.00
336 Shelley Keyport $25.00
337 Michelle M. Powell $25.00
338 Donna Hodson-Haag $25.00
339 David and Heidi Evenson $25.00
340 Anonymous $25.00
341 Linda Phillips $25.00
342 Tonia Kaiser $25.00
343 Sue Kile $25.00
344 Lisa Sondalle $25.00
345 Sally Friend $25.00
346 Donna Celius $25.00
347 Kim Fink $25.00
348 Allicen Scott $25.00
349 Marilyn Johnson $20.00
350 Paula Skoy $20.00
351 CustomInk LLC $20.00
352 Michelle Neveson $20.00
353 Jordan Laufenberg $20.00
354 Gene Freit $20.00
355 Blue Moon $20.00
356 Seubert Monica $20.00
357 Elizabeth and Heath Leirmo $20.00
358 Bethany Poellinger $20.00
359 Laura Holum $20.00
360 Keith and Patrica Chritenson $20.00
361 Anonymous $20.00
362 Paula Skoy $20.00
363 Amanda Lee $20.00
364 Kurt & Meg Pfuhl $20.00
365 Diane Moller $20.00
366 Gloria Levendoski $20.00
367 Anonymous $20.00
368 Clancey allen $20.00
369 Christopher or Kelly Ripp $20.00
370 Stefana Pretasky $20.00
371 Anonymous $20.00
372 nancy Brosinski $20.00
373 Andy Chikowski $20.00
374 Thomas and Elisabeth Juen $20.00
375 Pam Tischer $20.00
376 Marie and Leo Dummer $20.00
377 Juli Slaby $20.00
378 Jenny Levendoski $15.00
379 Anonymous $15.00
380 Melissa Stamps $15.00
381 Terri Hansen $15.00
382 Anonymous $13.00
383 Deone Geary $10.00
384 Patrick and Susan Kline $10.00
385 Jennifer Castle $10.00
386 Jamie Wilcenski $10.00
387 Rose Kulig $10.00
388 Anonymous $10.00
389 Anonymous $10.00
390 Jenna Malin $10.00
391 Lois and Dennis Schams $10.00
392 Emily MacPhetridge $10.00
393 Derek Koel $10.00
394 Anonymous $10.00
395 Lisa Johnson $5.00
396 Lisa Johnson $5.00
397 Allison Inserra $5.00
398 Mirella and Nicole Huss $5.00
399 Lisa Johnson $5.00
400 Lisa Johnson $5.00
401 Lisa Johnson $5.00
402 Jenny Levendoski $5.00
403 Jenny Levendoski $1.00