Registration for our 2020 Walk is now CLOSED. We look forward to our 2021 Walk!


Thank you for visiting our event page. This year, we are throwing a statewide party like NEVER before! Due to the uncertainty regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and the crowd size at our Awareness Walks in the past, the 18th Annual DSAW- La Crosse Down Syndrome Awareness Walk is going VIRTUAL! We are hosting awesome virtual activities all summer long, and stay tuned for local virtual activities on Walk Day! If you thought you had fun with us on one day, get ready for our months-long celebration of our friends with Down syndrome and related disabilities!! DSAW families from around the state will be uniting with us to celebrate Down syndrome awareness this year. 

We Need You!

Like many organizations, DSAW has been significantly affected by the pandemic. All of our in-person programs and events have been suspended for months, putting services for people with disabilities (the most isolated in our society) at a stand still. In the face of extreme adversity, DSAW pivoted on a dime to provide for our friends with disabilities. Just days after Wisconsin issued its "Safer at Home" order, DSAW launched DSAW Connects, an innovative, virtual education series that:

  • Offers 13 classes a day for our friends with disabilities 
  • Served nearly 200 participants in its spring semester alone
  • Provided 640 hours of programming in the first 2 months 

Now more than ever, your support of DSAW is crucial. The majority of our programs and events are fully funded by fundraising that takes place at this annual Awareness Walk. We need YOU to come out strong at this Walk, more than ever before. For our staff, for the people we serve, and to ensure a strong and viable future for the DSAW you know and love.


In the months leading up to Walk Day (Sunday, September 27), we will be hosting tons of fun online! Join in the fun using the hashtag #DSAWVirtualWalk.

  • Online giveaways
  • Virtual 21 Showcase
  • Weekly challenges with awesome prizes
  • In the month of September, we will do a month-long virtual party – each day is a different activity, challenge, or contest for your family!
  • The week before the Walk we will have online silent auction items and more exciting surprises.
  • Finally, mark your calendars for September 27! Tune in to our statewide pre-walk program and celebration (starting at 10AM) and stay tuned!!

If you'd like to learn more about this year's Walk and all of the fun we have planned, check out this informational webinar hosted by DSAW staff.

We highly encourage registration, and there is NO registration fee! By registering for this event, you will be eligible for our giveaways and prizes in the months leading up to the Walk. Make sure you follow the DSAW State Facebook page so you don’t miss out on any of the fun! Check out our page every Friday at 2pm for challenge updates and winners!

Despite the current circumstances, we know our DSAW family is virtually inseparable.

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of your goal reached









Our Sponsors

Registration & T-Shirt Information

1. Register Today! Registration is FREE. However, it is very important that you do sign up! Only those who are registered participants will be eligible to win our many giveaways and prizes throughout the coming months. We ask every walker to consider making a personal donation and/or commit to raising funds and awareness to help sustain our organization during this pandemic and beyond. Follow us on Facebook to keep up with all of the exciting components of our virtual event - check in with us every Friday at 2pm for challenge updates and winners! Registration is open thru Sunday, September 27. 

2. Purchase a T-shirt (optional): Register by August 28, 2020 to be guaranteed a t-shirt by Walk Day. Purchase a limited edition 2020 Down Syndrome Awareness Walk t-shirt to wear on Walk Day! T-shirts will be shipped directly to the address you provide. They are $10 each plus shipping.

3. Create a Team: Create a team of co-workers, friends, and family members, or register as an individual walker! Register online to create a personalized fundraising page with your story and photos, making it easy to grow your team and/or fundraise. If you don't want to create your own team, you can join an existing one OR register as an individual!

4. Raise Funds: Set individual and team goals! Use the easy online fundraising tools to spread the word. The Top 2 Fundraising Teams will receive awesome prizes!

5. Celebrate! Enjoy the day and celebrate the opportunities you have created for individuals with Down syndrome and their families.


The Virtual 21 Showcase & Awards Ceremony

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This year, we will be running a months-long 21 Showcase on social media! Submit a photo/video and description of your loved one to be shared on our statewide Facebook page! Help us prepare for the Walk by celebrating all of our friends online.

Our virtual Awards Ceremony will take place live online on Sunday, September 27. Make sure you follow us on Facebook so you don’t miss out. We will announce some winners and award prizes to our Top 5 Fundraising Teams! 

We want YOUR loved one with Down syndrome to be featured in this year's Virtual "21" Showcase! 

Click here to sign up.

Deadline to submit is Sunday, September 20!


Donor Leaderboard

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About DSAW

The Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin's mission is to provide support to Wisconsin families and individuals with Down syndrome and related disabilities through awareness, education, information, programs, services, and the exchange of ideas and experiences. We promote the value of those with Down syndrome in our lives and our communities. We continually strive toward full acceptance, full access, full potential and a full life to make Wisconsin the best supported state for people with Down syndrome and their loved ones. Visit our website to learn more.