Why do we support Cannonball Kids' cancer Foundation? I was told a couple years ago that cancer treatment for children hasn't changed since Neil Armstrong took his first steps on the moon. Neil Armstrong's daughter had pediatric cancer, and her options for treatment were the SAME options that exist today. To me, this is mind boggling!
During my time working in administration at a children's hospital I came in contact with many families struggling with the side effects of chemotherapy, radiation and high-dose infusions. I also heard from physician leadership who wanted to find better ways to effectively and safely treat their patients. As with many things in this world, much of it comes down to funding.
I was introduced to CKc a few years ago and I loved the innovative approach they take to fund first-of-their-kind treatments for kids' cancers. David and I want to do all we can to support and raise awareness and funds for pediatric cancer research. I know we'll find better, less toxic options for kids. Join us in finding live-saving treatments for kids with cancer!
For all children with pediatric cancer and the parents that watch in agony as their children undergo treatments to fight this disease
All money raised will benefit Cannonball Kids' cancer Foundation. They find less-toxic cancer treatments for kids by funding innovative clinical research. Through their compelling education efforts they help others understand the reality of kids cancer and motivate everyday people to change the status quo. You can learn more at www.cannonballkidscancer.org!