Over the past couple of years, I have had the opportunity to work with a special group of kids and families of the Center for the Treatment of Eating Disorders (CTED). If there is one thing that can be considered consistent across the grid, it is that every child can benefit from goal setting, emotional support, sound nourishment, and a balanced lifestyle.
I have seen successes, failures, and the will to try again. I have seen hard work, dedication and determination to heal. I have seen inspiration and encouragement for each other. I have seen children and their families accept challenges, push past limits, and set big goals. Each day, I remember how important it is to challenge ourselves, believe in ourselves, and surround ourselves with others who believe in us too.
I am running the Gary Bjorkland Half Marathon for CTED this year in dedication to the kids that have inspired me to set goals and believe in the process of achieving them.
We don't have control of every minute of the day, but we have the power to do what we can to be part of our success, and reach out to others when we need an extra push. This weekend, I plan to run for the joy, challenge, community, and fun of it.
Please join me in raising funds for this amazing program!
Thank you so much for all of your support.