Vienna's NICU Fundraiser

I have created this page in honor of my daughter Vienna who spent a month in the NICU at Children's hospital. Since her birthday is in March we figured we would pick that month as the month to raise money and give back to the NICU at Children's Hospital. Last year instead of presents for her birthday she got donations and was able to donate $200 to Children's Hospital so this year we are hoping to double that amount.

Vienna's Story

I'll skip past all the details and get straight to the point as to why we want to give back to Children's Hospital and particularly the NIC Unit. After being on bed rest for what seemed like forever (one month) I was scheduled a c-section at 34 weeks. That morning hit and I brought my baby girl Vienna into the world, once she was born she cried and then suddenly stopped for a brief moment. The NIC Unit was her home from that moment on, first at St. Johns Hospital for a few weeks then onto Children's in Saint Paul for a month. Vienna had some trouble breathing, and learning how to suck which caused problems for her eating. She was on medication for her PDA in hopes that it would close which it did slightly, she had a feeding tube in to give her the nutrients she needed. She overcame a lot of obstacles while in the hospital and eventually passed the test to come home.

April 21st was the day we packed up her hospital room and brought her home, that was the best feeling in the world. So that's our story in a nut shell, the nurses and doctors at Children's in Saint Paul helped us so much that it just feels natural to give back to that department.,





of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Kassandra Aguilera February 2016 $50.00
  • Kassandra Aguilera February 2016 $50.00