Hello! My name is Elizabeth Wright. I am a 19 years old Catholic living in Newark Ohio. I have gone to St. Francis de Sales parish in Newark my whole life. I am a cradle Catholic and am blessed to have parents that raised me to love God and his church. I have been dicerning serving with a missionary group since I was in 8th grade. It has looked different through out the years and I have dicerned with multiple missionary groups and decided to pursue a bachlors degree at Ohio Dominican University.
This upcoming year I am taking a break from pursuing my bachelors in Chemisty to serve with Hard as Nails and will be transfering to The Ohio State University to pursue the pre-medicine tract. I first heard of Hard as Nails because they attend my parish and I had seen them around at different functions. One day after Mass I met one of the missionaries as she was talking to one of my friends. We had a brief conversation. Weeks later she recconized my mom after Mass one day and invited her to invite me to the Come and See weekend that Hard as Nails was putting on. My mom, knowing that I was still dicerning becoming a missionary signed me up on the spot. That weekend I was overwhelmed with how much Hard as Nails was what I was searching for. I was struck by the authenticity that the missionaries have with everyone and how great of a community they had. I also really love the mission of Hard as Nails as it is one that I have personal experience with.
This upcoming year I will be serving with a team in the schools in the Columbus area and around the U.S. putting on retreats, bible studies, etc. I am so excited for this upcoming year and to see what the Lord has in store.
I can not do this alone. This summer I am putting together a team to be invited into the mission with me, not only through finacial support, as I am charged with raising $10,000 to help cover living expenses, gas, food, etc., but also through prayers for me and for the mission of Hard as Nails and those who we will be serving. I would love to invite you further into this mission by staying in contact of what I am up to at Hard as Nails through monthly newsletters. If you would be interested in receiving a monthly newsletter email me at: Elizabeth@hanm.org If you have and questions or would like to learn more feel free to email me!