Event Sponsors

Hearts of Gold Gala

You are cordially invited to join Alex's Army for our Hearts of Gold Gala taking place  Friday, November 22nd at the enchanting Poplar Springs Manor!

We are so excited to celebrate with you all as we look back on the last 10 years of Alex’s Army and as we fund raise the night away to help launch us into these next 10 years!

Your event ticket will include cocktails, passed hors d’oeuvres, a buffet dinner, desserts, a silent and live auction, and a memorable program you won’t want to miss, PLUS music, dancing, & more!

If you've ever been a part of Alex's Army, or have followed our mission and want to support us, we truly hope that you join us for what we promise will be an enchanting & special evening.


Sponsors for this event include all of the above event ticket items ~ plus so much more! 

Three of our sponsorship levels include overnight guest rooms at the beautiful Poplar Springs Inn where our couples stay for our annual Couples Retreat event.  Plus, by sponsoring this year's Gala event, you'll know that your support is making a huge impact towards our mission and overall fundraising goal!


Our Hearts of Gold Gala only comes around once every 5 years ~ your being a part of it truly means the world to us!


Alex's Army Childhood Cancer Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization whose mission is three-fold: To fund research with a focus on Wilms tumors, To raise awareness for all childhood cancers, and To provide encouragement for childhood cancer families through faith, hope, and love. Tax ID: 47-146-0829

Learn more at www.alexsarmyccf.org

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