In 2003 I gave birth to my son Hayden. During his anatomy scan at 18 weeks, I learned that he had HLHS (hypoplastic left heart syndrome), aortic atresia, and transposition of great vessels. I was determined to learn and do as much as I could to give him the best access to care/intervention for survival. After meeting with the surgeon that pioneered the reparative surgeries for his conditions, it was made clear the outlook was quite grim. I made the most difficult decision of my life to refrain from interventions that promised little more than death on a surgical table. Hayden was born May 31, 2003 and received compassionate care at home for the duration of his brief life. I was gifted 2 of the most powerful and love filled weeks with him.
Today makes exactly 21 years since Hayden's light left this earth. Each year I have found ways to commemorate and honor his life with his siblings and our family. This year, I have been granted the most powerful and significant opportunity I have ever had, to honor him. I have been awarded a place on the team "Hearts that Race" to participate in the TCS New York City Marathon, November 3, 2024. By becoming a member of this team, I have the priviilege of combining two great passions in my life. Running, and making efforts to effect growth/positive changes. My goal is to raise awareness and funds for The Children's Heart Foundation to advance the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of American's most common birth defect; congential heart defects. Please consider supporting me in my effort to decrease the amount of broken hearts in our babies.