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Awarded when Anyone reaches 100 % of goal
Awarded when Anyone raises the most funds
Awarded when Anyone completes their profile
Awarded when a Team Member raises the most funds for their team
Awarded when Anyone gets the highest number of donations
Awarded when a Team reaches 100 % of goal
Awarded when a Team raises the most funds
Awarded when a Team gets the highest number of donations
Awarded when Anyone receives 10 or more donations
Awarded when Anyone connects personal HKE MKE fundraising page to Facebook
Awarded when Anyone joins The Hive, UEC's Community of Monthly Donors
Awarded when a Team gets the most team members by 10/02/22 10:00 AM
Awarded when Anyone attends the HKE MKE kick off event, Light the Hoan, to shine a light on urban nature
Awarded when Anyone attends Emily Ford's presentation and screening of Breaking Trail at Washington Park (Oct 6)
Awarded when Anyone comments on a UEC post or HKE MKE event about why they love urban nature and the UEC
Awarded when Anyone take the Plastic Free MKE Pledge
Awarded when Anyone reaches 50 % of goal
Awarded when Anyone completes the downloadable craft project in the resources library
Awarded when Anyone volunteers with ROOT the week of HKE MKE
Awarded when Anyone is a staff member of the UEC
Awarded when Anyone is a UEC Board of Directors member
Awarded when Anyone is a UEC member
Awarded when Anyone tags the Urban Ecology Center on social media
Awarded when Anyone reaches $250.00 in donations
Awarded when Anyone reaches $500.00 in donations
Awarded when Anyone reaches $100.00 in donations
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