United Way's HomeWalk 5k Family Run/Walk ○ Brilliant Corners
Annalisa Bejarano
May 18, 2019 12:00am - June 1, 2019 3:00am
Everyone Deserves a Home
Hello Friends and Family, this May 18th I will be walking in the LA Homewalk 5K to end Homelessness. For those that don't know, for the last 4 years, I have been working for a non-profit that does the work of assisting people experiencing homelessness, locate and move into permanent supportive housing. For this reason, and many others, this cause is very near and dear to my heart. I hope to raise $100 (at least) to help my organization hit our $5000 goal. Please help out if you can.
My Badges
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of your goal reached
My Supporters
- Angelica Valencia April 2019 $20.00
- Angelica Valencia April 2019 $20.00
My Teammates
- JD Jaclyn Decell $600.00
- Vanessa Wilcox Team Captain $465.70
- AS Anna Schutte $421.40
- KH Katy Halasz $163.00
- Vanya Prishilia $128.90
- SL Sophia Li $113.20
- JD Joshua Decell $106.00
- BL Brenda Lozano $104.80
- TE Teri Enomoto $104.50
- EG Eden Garcia $102.40
- BR Blanca Ramirez $100.00
- KW Kate Wilson $50.00
- Sami Abdelatif $50.00
- Elizabeth Espana $46.50
- PC Perlita Carrillo $45.00
- VR Vanessa Romero $21.20
- Annalisa Bejarano $20.00
- LG Luis Gutierrez $20.00
- MC Mercedes Castro $0.00
- AM Ashley Mayer $0.00
- JK Julie Khil $0.00
- Joshua Felix $0.00
- CU Charlotte Umanoff $0.00
- FB Francisco Becerra $0.00
- HH Hanna Hydell $0.00
- ON Olivia Nguyen $0.00
- KT Kenny Tong $0.00
- BP Brandon Pritzkat $0.00
- JP Jennifer Picado $0.00
- GL Gabriela Licon $0.00
- AL Ashley Levine $0.00
- TM trinidad mendez $0.00
- AP Austin Pritzkat $0.00
- CM Christina Mac $0.00
- EK Esther Kim $0.00
- AR Andrew Robillard $0.00
- LK Lorin Kinney $0.00
- NP Noebia Parra $0.00
- Alessandra Garcia $0.00
- Diane De Leon $0.00
- GA Gunner Arnson $0.00
- KL Karl Libramonte $0.00
- HT Hedy Torres $0.00
- RZ Rosa Zermeno $0.00
- SS Soo San Kim $0.00
- CL Christian Lopez $0.00
- BM Brenda Monge $0.00
- DM Dongwuk Moon $0.00
- JK Jubie Kim $0.00
- DO Diana Ortiz $0.00
- JH Jaddis Hy $0.00
- JM Jenny Mendoza $0.00
- OD Oliver Dewey-Gartner $0.00
- CB Chelsea Blair $0.00
- AP Ashlee Pyanowski $0.00
- GL georgia luong $0.00
- BM Brandi Montanez $0.00
- DB Diana Bejarano $0.00
- Cindy Pham $0.00