Support stability for children and youth experiencing homelessness
Why we walk/run every year
There are over 70,000 children and youth experiencing homelessness identified at the 80 school districts and 300+ charter schools across Los Angeles County! Housing stability is an essential piece of the puzzle to ensure that these students have access to education and supportive services and are able to stay at the same school as they experience this transitional situation. Better educational outcomes leads to more opoportuntities for success as adults which is better for the community at large!
Please support the needs of this often overlooked ppopulation---- children and youth experiencing homelessness! We need you!
Please come walk/run with me (ok --let's be honest-I will be walking) or donate to support this worthy cause!
HomeWalk 2019
Come and walk/run or donate to this cause! Lets bring awareness to experience of homelessness and its impact on children and youth!