HOM Teal Strides 2024

Holly’s Teal Warriors

September 7, 2024 7:30am - 11:30am

Our Team Fundraising Page

Ovarian Cancer

Being a ovarian cancer survivor- this organization is near an dear to me! MOCA supports women that are diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer and helps women navigate their diagnosis and treatment.   Donations go toward research to find a cure and early detection test for this horrible disease.  
Unfortunately this disease goes undetected for years due to vague symptoms and not having a accurate early detection test.  If ovarian cancer is caught in the early stages- the chance of survival increase dramatically!  However the majority of women get diagnosed in later stage which decreases their survival rate.  

Please consider donating to this wonderful cause! 

Our Team





of your goal reached









Recent Activity

Our Supporters

  • Annie Freed Bailey and I love you long time Holly!!!!! We won’t be able to be there on Saturday but we’ll be wearing our teal! 2 weeks ago $26.25
  • Glenn Mueller 4 weeks ago $50.00
  • Nancy Bankers Last month $100.00
  • Facebook Donor June 2024 $26.01
  • Holly Nitch June 2024 $30.00
  • Nancy Bankers Last month $100.00
  • Glenn Mueller 4 weeks ago $50.00
  • Holly Nitch June 2024 $30.00
  • Annie Freed Bailey and I love you long time Holly!!!!! We won’t be able to be there on Saturday but we’ll be wearing our teal! 2 weeks ago $26.25
  • Facebook Donor June 2024 $26.01