HOM Teal Strides 2024

Paula’s Power Pack

September 7, 2024 7:30am - 11:30am

Our Team Fundraising Page

There is no early detection test for ovarian cancer.  The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2024, about 19,680 new cases of ovarian cancer will be diagnosed in the United States and 12,740 women will die from the disease.

The five year survival rate is only 50.8% because it is often not found until it's at an advanced stage.  A friend’s sister died from ovarian cancer at the age of 13, and a treasured 74 year old support group friend died last summer.

Ovarian cancer knows no age, race, economic status, or family history.  It can strike anyone at anytime.  It’s only through research that an early detection test will be developed, and your donation will help make that early screening a reality.

Please join me TODAY in making a donation to MOCA to help save the lives of women and girls!

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Our Supporters

  • Paula Foley 5 days ago $77.95
  • Tom Kiekhafer 3 weeks ago $50.00
  • Claire Palmer Paula, you fought the battle and won!! You showed us all what a strong will, a positive attitude, and endless determination can do!! Thanks for being a “Super Star”! 3 weeks ago
  • Loraine Schirmer 3 weeks ago $105.00
  • John Kelley 3 weeks ago $25.00
  • Timothy Schmolke Last month $866.25
  • Nancy Chalmers Can’t be there on September 7 but good luck and have fun! Last month $250.00
  • Karen Kurth Last month $157.50
  • Loraine Schirmer 3 weeks ago $105.00
  • Cindy Houser The sister I never really knew. 4 weeks ago $105.00