HOM Teal Strides 2024

Amy's Allies

September 7, 2024 7:30am - 11:30am

Our Team Fundraising Page

In June of 2023, I woke up one morning with extreme abdominal pain.  After numerous tests, a large mass was found, extending from my ovary.  At the time, it was unknown if it was cancerous or not, but all signs were pointing towards cancer.  I was told that I would need surgery ASAP, most likely a hysterectomy, chemotherapy, and additional testing to determine if the cancer had spread to other areas of my body. 


As I’m sure you can imagine, all of this information was shocking, scary, and nerve-racking.  Ovarian cancer is often caught too late and a lot of the outcomes are not positive.  It turned out that my mass was cancerous and my surgical team took the necessary steps to give me the best outcome possible.  Luckily, my cancer had not spread to other areas of my body and was a very low grade and stage.  I do require regular blood tests so that if anything resurfaces, it will be caught early. 


I HAVE BEEN CANCER FREE FOR 1 YEAR!  Please join me in supporting the Minnesota Ovarian Cancer Alliance (MOCA).  MOCA provides resources, support, education, and awareness to women, families, and the medical community.  I am grateful for the resources and support that MOCA has given me.  Your support makes a difference!!! 

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Our Supporters

  • Ann and Pete Holme 2 weeks ago $100.00
  • Patti and David Preves 3 weeks ago $100.00
  • MARY JO COLE 4 weeks ago
  • Gretchen Cole 4 weeks ago $105.00
  • Susan Lima Last month
  • Sue Donkersgoed Let's GO TEAM AMY!!! Last month $262.50
  • Anonymous Last month $250.00
  • Jen Van Pelt Last month $106.75
  • Gretchen Cole 4 weeks ago $105.00
  • Ann and Pete Holme 2 weeks ago $100.00