My Badges
Team Fundraising Leader
Awarded when a Team Member raises the most funds for their team
Awarded 07/20/2016
Fundraising Achieved
Awarded when Anyone reaches 100 % of goal
Awarded 07/20/2016
$100 Raised
Awarded when Anyone reaches $100.00 in donations
Awarded 07/20/2016
$500 Raised!
Awarded when Anyone reaches $500.00 in donations
Awarded 08/24/2016
$250 Raised!
Awarded when Anyone reaches $250.00 in donations
Awarded 08/24/2016
Awarded when Anyone reaches $1,000.00 in donations
Awarded 10/21/2016
My Personal Fundraising Page
Sam said something gross!
Sammy Wayne Michael, fashionable as always, with his favorite person, Matt White.
Twilight Room fun
Scott and his horror films- hair, makeup, set design, costume design, special effects, director and producer. We love it!
Scott Seaver
I am walking in remembrance of Sammy Wayne Michael and Scott Seaver. Both died from AIDS in 1990 and 1991. They were only 30 years old.
My heart is still broken.
When Scott was hospitalized at the time he was diagnosed with AIDS, dying, terrified and hopeless, he called me one day to tell me everything would be okay because he was visited by several people who told him they would help with rent and food until he could get back to work, that if he took his medicine he would get well, and that they would help explain all this to his parents. "They were Angles, Shannon, I believe they are really angles". They were AIDS Outreach Center.AOC continues this work today, and much more. AOC serves over 1,600 people living with HIV and their families and provides HIV test and risk reduction for over 2,500 people at risk for HIV.
Sam was not fortunate enough to have an AIDS Outreach Center in Marietta, Oklahoma, but he did have his parents who understood and supported him in every way they could. All their lives would have been easier with support from an AOC.
Thank you for anything you can do. It is all appreciated. I appreciate you.
Until it’s Over,
of your goal reached
My Supporters
- Gary Isaacs October 2016 $50.00
- Christie Mosley-Eckler October 2016
- Laura Hilgart Sammy Wayne Michael October 2016 $50.00
- Anonymous October 2016
- Anonymous October 2016
- Mary Scales and BJ Lacasse October 2016 $300.00
- Anonymous July 2016 $250.00
- Dick Lees August 2016 $100.00
- Susan Alarcon August 2016 $100.00
- Ann Bihari July 2016 $100.00