



of your goal reached

The Starbucks Swap

If you have 100 friends on Facebook, and you asked each one of them to give up one trip to Starbucks and donate that money to the animals instead, you could raise over $500 with this simple request! Giving your social media network an easy and small ask like this can pay off big!

Restaurant Giveback Night

Many local restaurants are happy to donate a portion of their proceeds on a chosen night to a local charity. Encourage everyone you know to eat there on the giveback night to support you! CLICK HERE for some ideas on restaurants that welcome charity giveback nights! 

Host Your Own Event

Hosting an "Old School" event like a Bake Sale, Car Wash or Neighborhood Raffle can be a super effective way to help fundraise for the animals. These oldies but goodies are classics for a reason - they work!


Link In Your Email Signature

Add the link to your fundraising page to your email signature. Everyone that receives an email from you will know you are supporting the animals and can help you out!

Follow HSTB

Make sure you follow the Humane Society of Tampa Bay on social media. We post all the time, and sharing our posts can help your friends and family get to know us better! We often share impactful animal stories that you can use to highlight the work we do and why you are fundraising for Bark in the Park! 

Keep Everyone Updated

We live in a busy world, and your friends and family are just as "on the go" as you are! Be sure to keep everyone updated on how your fundraising is going so they are invested in your efforts. This can also help to serve as a reminder for anyone still wanting to donate.