Help me provide education for girls in Afghanistan





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IRaise for Girls Education in Afghanistan

Out-of-school girls in Afghanistan need access to primary education. 
Afghanistan has one of the lowest literacy rates in the world. It is currently estimated that over 3.7 million girls and boys in Afghanistan remain out of school and without a source of education. The low education rate for women and girls especially is due to several factors, including safety and security problems, social and cultural barriers, lack of schools in remote areas, lack of sanitary facilities for girls, long walking distance to schools, and more.



The Power of You

The All-Powerful, Allah (SWT), has put power and opportunity in your hands and in your heart to give charity through IRUSA, and to support efforts for our sisters and brothers in need. Here are just some of the ways your donations through IRUSA can be powerful for this project:

$25 can help provide educational access for out of school girls 

$250 can help teachers gain access to teaching kits and materials 

$1,000 can support the creation and maintenance of CBE centers

So, will you use your God-given power to help those in need? Say “YES!,” and click DONATE NOW or BECOME A FUNDRAISER to get started. You can either donate directly to this effort, or start a fundraising page to harness the power of your community to raise more awareness and support for this program.


IRUSA Program to increase access to education for out-of-school children in Afghanistan.

To improve the educational status of girls and boys in Balkh, Kandahar, and Nangarhar provinces in Afghanistan, we plan to implement CBE centers in needed areas. Community-Based Education (CBE) provides direct access to quality education for children who do not have access to formal schools. CBE is the only education modality in Afghanistan that has successfully provided educational services to more girls than boys to counteract the gender disparity in education. Afghanistan's education sector has been growing exponentially and CBE is a major part of this success story. CBE is formally recognized and adopted by the Ministry of Education as a tool to reach rural, remote, and underserved populations. 

Islamic Relief Afghanistan is continuing the ‘Access of out-of-school Girls to primary Education in Afghanistan (AGE)’ project to address the needs of vulnerable children through the provision of primary education.

Here are just some of the outcomes we are working on:

  • Set up functioning CBE centers

  • Provide educational materials and equipment for CBE centers

  • Identify out of school children through surveys and enroll them in CBE centers

  • Provide educational materials and learning kits to the children

  • Recruit, train, and deploy teachers 

  • Provide the teachers with teaching kits and proper materials

My Supporters

  • Celina Ali May 2022 $103.00
  • Celina Ali May 2022 $103.00

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