Help me provide relief to those in need!

No one should go to bed COLD and HUNGRY! Let’s try and help to the best of our abilities, it’s so easy to donate and the Thawab is big. لَن تَنَالُواْ ٱلۡبِرَّ حَتَّىٰ تُنفِقُواْ مِمَّا تُحِبُّونَۚ وَمَا تُنفِقُواْ مِن شَيۡءٖ فَإِنَّ ٱللَّهَ بِهِۦ عَلِيمٞ By no means shall you attain Al-Birr (piety, righteousness, etc., it means here Allah's Reward, i.e. Paradise), unless you spend (in Allah's Cause) of that which you love; and whatever of good you spend, Allah knows it well





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IRAISE for Sending Help for Sudan’s Famine

Supporting Sudan during one of most devastating famines in history

 Sudan is currently experiencing a pivotal increase in food insecure residents. According to UNOCHA there are over 9.8 million food insecure people living in the region. They also have another three million internally displaced and over 1 million refugees.  

Officials cite violence and localized conflicts in many parts of the country also drive up humanitarian needs, and the impact again of COVID-19 on markets, services and people’s internal displacement has increased their vulnerability to multiple forms of harm. While the economic impact of the pandemic is of increasing immediate and long-term concern, as it plays into weakening currencies, rapid inflation, high food prices and widening unemployment, combined with increasing debt and low purchasing power. In addition, weather extremes and environment remain a significant driver, such as flooding and drought.

The famine has brought to light other issues of poverty experienced by communities. Business has almost come to a complete halt, agricultural production is suffering, and jobs have all but vanished.


The Power of You

The All-Powerful, Allah (SWT), has put power and opportunity in your hands and in your heart to give charity through IRUSA, and to support efforts for our sisters and brothers in need. Here are just some of the ways your donations through IRUSA can be powerful for this project:

$50 can support food access for a community member

$150 can help ensure the food to feed a family of 3

$250  can support  a family of 6 with food 

So, will you use your God-given power to help those in need? Say “YES!,” and click DONATE NOW or BECOME A FUNDRAISER to get started. You can either donate directly to this effort, or start a fundraising page to harness the power of your community to raise more awareness and support for this program. 

IRUSA Program helping to give communities survive famine in Sudan

To lessen the effects of the brutal famine, Islamic Relief is providing emergency aid to Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) and families hit hardest by hunger and malnutrition. The people we serve will be given resources to address immediate and long-term humanitarian needs.

We are working to address the famine through cash assistance, vocational training, and supporting those who’ve relied heavily on agriculture to rebound and sustain themselves.

Here are just some of the interventions we are working on:

  • Conducting cash disbursements during the first three months

  • Distributing improved seeds and tools for the coming agricultural season to produce cash crops and food for consumption

  • Distributing winter season vegetable seed for vegetable production

  • Distributing goats and sheep restocking for vulnerable households

  • Conducting agricultural extension training for farmers

My Supporters

  • Anonymous Keep up the great work. God bless you April 2022
  • Anonymous April 2022
  • Ronald Gates As Salaam u Alaykum and know that you atecspprecited and May Allah blessed you and those around you! Ameen April 2022 $20.60
  • Anonymous Sudan has a special place in my heart, it's really painful to see our people there unable to secure such basic needs. May Allah SWT reward you for supporting them and give you in Junnah gardens and gardens of the foods you like. April 2022
  • Anonymous April 2022
  • Anonymous April 2022 $51.50
  • Omm Mohamed Elbaal May Allah accept our good deeds April 2022 $51.50
  • Ronald Gates As Salaam u Alaykum and know that you atecspprecited and May Allah blessed you and those around you! Ameen April 2022 $20.60
  • Dima Akach Salaam Sara! Jazakee Allah Kheir for all your efforts during this blessed month of Ramadan. I am giving part of my Zakat to your page. Keep up the great work! April 2022 $20.00

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