Please Select An Option

  • Individual Ticket

    This ticket is good for one registered attendee.

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  • Table Host

    This ticket is good for 8-registered people. It includes a dedicated (reserved) table which can be filled by the host.

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  • Neighborhood Sponsor

    Includes two Gala tickets and basic recognition.
    -Event based (onsite) logo inclusion.
    -Full page ad in the digital Gala book

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  • Legacy Sponsor

    Includes four Gala tickets.
    -Online logo reference (at under ""community network"")
    -Back panel logo inclusion with statement of community partnership.
    -Full page ad in the digital Gala book

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  • Ruby Sponsor

    Includes 8 Gala tickets (table host)
    -Online logo reference (at under ""community network"")
    -Brand inclusion on all Gala material.
    -Recognized as one of the sponsors of an onsite Gala highlight determined by the committee (examples include: award sponsor, hors d'oeuvres sponsor, display sponsor, dessert sponsor, etc)

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  • Founder's Circle

    Includes benefits of prior level.
    -Opportunity to engage in a “spotlight conversation” to be shared via IVCG social media
    -FEATURED as a named exclusive sponsor of one onsite Gala feature determined by the committee (examples include: award sponsor, hors d'oeuvres sponsor, display sponsor, dessert sponsor, etc)

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  • Non ticketed IVCG Advocate

    This "non-ticket" registration allows for friends of IVCG to purchase gala related items (including organizations posting ads) or those participating virtually in the silent auction without attending in-person.

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  • 1 x Package Name


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