Help Rebuild Netiv HaAsara

Netiv HaAsara in Israel underwent a horrific massacre in the early morning hours of October 7th, 2023. Now, they need your help. Netiv HaAsara is in a war of survival. Its residents devastated; their soul wounded; their heart bleeding. The strong and vibrant community of 1,000 is full of good, happy memories of laughing children. In one moment, it became an unsafe, unprotected place. Fathers, mothers, children, brothers, sisters, and grandparents were all murdered in cold blood. Everyone who went out to protect their neighbors and families fell in battle: brothers in arms, good neighbors, and beloved friends. The once beautiful, green, thriving community has become a gloomy, lifeless gray. A hurt, bereaved, and scarred community will have to go back and face a loss is unimaginable. Please help raise funds to restore the Moshav, strengthen the community its security. Rebuild the homes and the once thriving agricultural business that grew seed for the world. Stand by them and help them rise from the ruins.





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My Supporters

  • Melissa Starr March 2024 $103.30
  • Melissa Starr March 2024 $103.30

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