Supporting Israel

Netiv HaAsara is a community near the Gaza border that was attacked on October 7th. My family had the privilege of hosting Maya and Gili when they visited New Jersey with a group of Netiv HaAsara high school seniors. I enjoyed getting to know the girls and learning more about living in Israel. The experience helped me understand the importance of helping strangers in need. Most of the residents are hoping to return to the community when it is safe however they are currently living in other parts of Israel. Instead of a gift in honor of my bar mitzvah, I hope that you will consider making a donation to support displaced Israelis and the rebuilding of their communities.





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My Supporters

  • David Klein 3 weeks ago $3,300.00
  • Daniel Klein July 2024 $180.00
  • Leo Garden Mazel Tov David!!!! June 2024
  • Tony Berger Mazel Tov David! Such a beautiful night and so much to look forward to… wishing you all the best on this journey. Much love, The Berger Family June 2024
  • Jeffrey Benowitz Congrats David! You did such a great job on the Bimah and brought us all so much joy to be a part of your Bar Mitzvah! Mazel Tov, Love the Benowitzs June 2024 $371.88
  • David Klein 3 weeks ago $3,300.00
  • David D'Amico David- Congratulations on your Bar Mitzvah. This is one of many milestones that you will have during the journey of life. All the best, Dave D'Amico June 2024 $635.54
  • R Glazer Keep up the great important work May 2024 $535.09
  • Russell Kushner Mazel Tov! Love - The Kushner’s June 2024 $516.50
  • Mark Keller June 2024 $516.50

My Teammates