About the Auction
Auction items will be available for bidding begining Monday, 1 June 2020. You can view a full list of inventory here. Shipping is FREE. Some items require customization or coordination with the vendor so please note before bidding.
Jump and Dive 2020 Description
On 29 August 2020, the Combat Diver Foundation and the U.S. Military Freefall Association will host the biggest and best virtual fundraiser in Special Operations history.
We guarantee the same great charity auction and raffle, amazing live music, and tons of fun...but with the advantage that you can participate no matter where on the globe your lockdown bunker happens to be.
Proceeds from all fundraising events will go toward supporting the missions of CDF and USMFFA.
- Can I buy or bid on items without downloading the Givi app?
- Yes! Just send an email with your requirements to events@combatdiver.org and we can do it for you but you MUST be registered for the event.
- I bought some items but my card hasn't been charged. When will that happen?
- If you made purchases or bids AFTER registration, your card will not be charged for those transactions until the event ends on 29 August. However, vendors will still fulfill and ship your orders immediately.
- NOTE: Your card WAS charged immediately for purchases made DURING the registration process.
- I bought some items, when will they ship?
- Vendors will fulfill your orders immediately. NOTE: The Combat Diver-1 mission timer from Ares Watches will take a month or more due to special production requirements.
- Help! I accidentally bought something I didn't want. What do I do?
- Vendor purchases are between you and the vendor. Please contact them first but cc events@combatdiver.org and we may be able to facilitate.
- Help! I need to cancel a purchase. What do I do?
- Vendor purchases are between you and the vendor. Please contact them first but cc events@combatdiver.org and we may be able to facilitate.
- How do I check out?
- You will be automatically checked out at the end of the event on 29 August. Your credit card will be charged at that time for purchases, donations, and any winning auction bids.
- Can I see additional photos of the items?
- Yes. Simply click on the item in the Givi app and then you can swipe the photo to see additional pics.
- I can't register on the Givi app because I don't have a US number. Can I still buy/bid on merchandise?
- Yes! Send your credit card information (number, expiration, address, and CVC to events@combatdiver.org and we can bid/make purchases for you.
- Do I need to be present to win? I can't make it to the livestream.
- Nope! No need to tune in to win. We will notify you by email and send your prizes to the address you provided.
- There are some specific exceptions to this: Signed copies of books for example, require some coordination. If we can't reach you in one week (approximately 5 September) we will terminate the event and determine what to do with unclaimed prizes.
Fundraising Goals
of your goal reached
How to Register
Hit ‘Register’ from the drop-down menu or on the button at the top left of this page. Registration is not FREE but includes a raffle ticket (a $10 value).
Early bird registration ends 30 June 2020.
Select ‘Single Registration’ and proceed with filling out your personal information. Make sure to provide a cell phone number to receive instructions on downloading the Givi app where all bidding will take place.
Select ‘Complete Registration’ and you will be registered for the event! Please print or retain your ticket code as this will be required for mobile check-in and bidding on items during the auction.
Download the Givi App on your smartphone or tablet. You must download the app and enter your ticket code to access the virtual auction.
For any questions please contact Emilio Estevez at events@combatdiver.org.