How do I make a gift?

Click the “Donate Now” button or the “Choose Your Team” menu option and select your team from the list of designations.

Does this replace Club 360?

Yes. CAT Week was built with the intention to support ALL Cougar athletic teams and programs, ensuring that every student-athlete has the resources they need to succeed. This comprehensive approach provides support across a wide range of sports, enhancing the overall athletic experience. 

What if I want to support more than one team?

You will have to make an additional gift separately by choosing another team or program and provide payment again. 

How can I help my team unlock additional prize money?

Consider the Cougar Club Champions Challenge criteria:

  • $1,000 to the team with the highest percentage of giving

  • $500 to the team with the most dollars raised

  • $500 to each team that reaches its giving goal

  • If every team reaches its goal, $5,000 to the Athletic Excellence Fund to invest in all of Cougar Athletics

How is donor participation determined? How do small teams compete with large teams?

Because the size of the alumni or parent base varies by sport, we set a goal for each sport based on past giving with a 3% annual growth rate. We then track the progress by percentage of the goal achieved.

If I have already made a gift to Cougar Athletics for the 2024-25 school year, does it count towards this competition?

Yes, all gifts to team athletics made in the academic school year of 2024-25 count toward the competition.

Can gifts be used for any purpose other than athletic support?

80% of your gift will benefit your team of choice. The other 20% will be directed toward the Athletic Excellence Fund which  provides general, unrestricted support for Lansing Catholic’s 250+ student-athletes.  

When should I give in order to participate in the CAT Week competition?

CAT Week begins at 12:00 am (ET) on Wednesday, July 31, 2024 and concludes at midnight (ET) on Wednesday, August 7, 2024.

Is there a minimum gift amount required to count toward the CAT Week competition?

Yes, the minimum gift must be $20.00 to a specific team in order to count toward the competition.

Can I make multiple gifts during the competition?  How do they count?

Yes, your gifts to multiple sports teams will count toward each team’s participation goal. Multiple gifts to the same team by the same donor will only count as one gift toward the participation goal.

Do gifts from Donor-advised funds or matching gifts count toward CAT Week team challenge?

Donor-advised funds or gifts to be matched that arrive by August 7 count towards the competition.  Gifts received after August 7 will be designated for the specific team fund, but just not counted as part of the challenge.

Can spouses or partners split their gift and receive credit for two gifts?

No. For the purpose of this challenge, individuals must complete their own gift transaction to count as a qualified donor.

Does my gift count towards the Lansing Catholic Cor Fund?

The only gifts that count for CAT Week are restricted gifts to Cougar Athletic team support. We encourage you to also make an unrestricted gift to the Annual Cor Fund in support of the broader mission of Lansing Catholic High School

Is my gift tax deductible?

Yes! All gifts received during 2024 will receive a formal letter of acknowledgement for tax purposes.

How can I help support today’s Cougars and make CAT Week be as successful as possible? 

Participate and tag us! Post about CAT Week. Spread the news. Share photos and videos old and new. Encourage your teammates, classmates, and friends to make gifts.