Hello, my name is Beatrix Sorensen. I was born on November 11, 2010 at 5:55 p.m. I live in New York City with my parents and my dog Loki. I’m in the 8th grade at Mary McDowell Friends School in Brooklyn, NY. My favorite song is “Confident”, because it really gets me going throughout the day. My favorite outdoor activities (besides horseback riding) include bicycling, swimming and skiing. I’d like to join a soccer team.
I’ve been horseback riding for a little more than two years. I became interested because of a Netflix show called “Spirit Riding Free”. I’ve mastered trotting and I began to canter this Summer at Guilford Riding School. I love many things about horses. I love riding them, the responsibility of taking care of them and the connection that I make with them. Next Summer, I’m hoping to be an intern at Catskill Equestrian Center.
One thing unique about me is that I have cerebral palsy. The form of cerebral palsy that I have is right-side hemiplegia, which means that the right side of my body is not as strong as my left side. It doesn’t keep me from doing the things I want to do, including horseback riding, but my riding style might look a little different.
My fundraising goal is help me pay for a safety vest, a new riding crop and AEL events. I hope to inspire younger riders with hemiplegia and help them reach their goals.