Purple Ribbon Award Honorees

The Annual Purple Ribbon Awards honor individuals and groups for their outstanding service and contribution in lupus research, philanthropy, public awareness, patient care, political leadership and community service. Honorees have made their mark in California as well as in the nation. Past honorees include U.S. Congressional Lupus Caucus; rheumatologists & researchers Dr. Maria Dall’Era, Daniel Wallace & Michael Neuwalt; actress Kristen Johnston; philanthropist Peter Wong; NBC Bay Area; the Henry L. Guenther Foundation; and volunteers Marie Fischetti & Roseanna Lavia.

2022 Purple Ribbon Honorees

Thomas Bush, M.D.: Outstanding Commitment to Research and Treatment

Jeffrey & Anne Marie Katz: Outstanding Commitment to Philantrophy

Kat Lewis, PhD: Outstanding Commitment to Lupus Patients

Corinne Bolasna: Outstanding Commitment to Community Service

Face of Lupus

This year we will be honoring our Face of Lupus from 2020, 2021 and 2022.  These lupus patients share their stories and how the Lupus Foundation of Northern California supports them in their lupus journey.  Be sure to join us so you can hear their stories!  Here is a brief overview of who we will be honoring this year.