Hear what the students of LPP have to say!

  • "I honestly couldn't say all the ways LPP has shaped me. They helped me grow into an individual with values that cannot be shaken. This program shaped me to become a leader in many ways at Millersville University whether that means being a mentor, volunteer, student, President of a student organization that supports first-generation college students and so much more involvement. They shaped me by teaching me to be passionate about what I love doing. I don't even want to imagine where I would be if I wasn't involved with this program."

- Kiara Guzman-Ramos


  • "There has been a huge impact on who I am because of LPP.  Now as I am studying and trying to complete my degree, I would love to work in an area related to what LPP does for high school and college students.  I want to give back and help other students like me and help communities like mine.  The LPP program has sparked a passion in me to help others and start a legacy of change in a positive way.  This is all because of everything LPP has given me and instilled in me as I have grown throughout the years."

- Ileana Santiago
Junior, Sociology


  • "Words can't describe how grateful I am to be apart of the LPP family. It feels like yesterday when I started [the program in 9th grade], and now I'm finally an MU graduate. Your support throughout the years has allowed me to focus on my studies, complete my degree in 3 years, and graduate with Magma Cum Laude honors."

- Daniel Wogari
Finance, 2020


  • "As a college student, Lancaster Partnership Program has always felt home to me. They are my main support structure on campus and they continue to offer me opportunities that can help me grow. My favorite aspects about being in LPP is preparing high school students for college or careers with college/career workshops as well as giving the college students the opportunity to give back to the program and continue to grow themselves. Lancaster Partnership Program has shaped my life because not only did they prepare me for college and continue to support me in life,but this program helped me grow as a person by sharing experiences with others."

- Javier Brown III
Senior, Psychology