This year’s honorees at Lifting Up Westchester’s annual gala are Avalon Bay, Leon Feigenbaum, and Walter and Sylvia Simon. They have each been critical in strengthening Lifting Up Westchester’s ability to make an impact on people’s lives in Westchester County. Keep reading to learn more about our awesome honorees!

AvalonBay CommunitiesAvalonBay Communities, Inc. is an equity REIT in the business of developing, redeveloping, acquiring and managing multifamily communities primarily in New England, the New York/New Jersey metro area, the Mid-Atlantic, the Pacific Northwest, and Northern and Southern California.

Rooted in its core value of A Spirit of Caring, AvalonBay has a long- standing history of building strong communities by giving back. AvalonBay deepened its commitment in 2015 launching its Building Strong Communities philanthropy program
and community engagement strategy, which focuses on community preparedness and disaster relief, affordable housing, and support for at risk populations. Over the last 5 years, AvalonBay has been proud to partner with Lifting Up Westchester to help achieve their mission of providing support to men, women and children in need.  

LeonLeon Feigenbaum arrived in the USA from Cape Town, South Africa two weeks after the New York City blackout in 1977.  He has both a BSc in Biomedical Engineering and an MBA in Operations Research from the University of Cape Town. 

Leon ran his own leather garment manufacturing business, Chordas Inc., for 15 years before joining Everlast.  He worked for Kraft Plumbing, Fairways, Mechanical Plastics and AMC Health in logistical operational leadership roles before ‘retiring’ to pursue his other entrepreneurial business interests.  He is a very active regional emeritus soccer referee, avid bridge player and most recently started officiating lacrosse.

Together with his wife Debra, Leon moved to Hartsdale in 1980 where they raised their children Lissa and Gary before moving to White Plains in 1993.  At a young age, he had already developed a passion for helping others and doing “good deeds”. Leon’s volunteer work in support of the White Plains community goes back some 20 years.  While the first few years they delivered food on Thanksgiving and Christmas  - all over Westchester –Leon was soon drawn to the more frenetic scenes of the kitchen. He likes to cook and with memories of his family’s food and liquor business in South Africa, Leon was drawn to LUW ‘kitchens’ and summer program. 

Leon has also been involved as a greeter for the Community Kitchen often volunteering a few mornings a week and in the past two years he has spent the month of July under the eagle eye of Eileen Torres at the Summer camp for kids living in family homeless shelter or in extreme poverty. Leon is in charge of the kitchen and mentoring counselors in food service, how to deal with campers with diverse eating habits and how to keep plastic gloves on both hands at all times!

Leon is thankful he has been able to contribute in a few small ways to make life just a little better for those less fortunate. It has been his pleasure and good fortune to work with so many other dedicated, resourceful, and responsible volunteers over the years. Leon believes that “There can be no greater gift than that of giving one’s time and energy to help others without expecting anything in return” (Nelson Mandela 2012).

SimonsWalter and Sylvia Simon became members of Grace Episcopal Church in 1980 at a time when Fr. Herbert Dreisel implemented a ministry for the homeless in White Plains. This commitment continued with Fr. Peter Larom with the creation of Grace Church Community Center, a nonprofit organization, which eventually became Lifting Up Westchester (LUW).

In the beginning, there were no organizations providing support and outreach for the homeless population in White Plains. The early years were extremely difficult, financially, and politically. There were challenges meeting operational costs including payroll. In the 80’s strong political action was required including carrying a coffin to raise awareness after the death of a homeless person during a freezing cold night.

Walter became an active Board member of Lifting Up Westchester and was instrumental in helping to shape and support the organization as it grew in scope and impact.

Sylvia, also a faithful supporter of LUW, was active in the original volunteer Neighbors program transporting seniors needing rides for doctor visits and accompany them when shopping. She assisted Meg Hammerling in the development of Samaritan House, LUW’s women’s shelter. As a retired educator she now participates as a judge of the annual LUW essay contest. This strong commitment to LUW continues in her role as a member of the Vestry of Grace/LaGracia.

The Simon’s Volunteer tradition to LUW continues through their daughter, Janine Daughtry, who is currently a board member and Nicole Mangum who serves on the College Success and Scholarship Committee.

They are proud of the organization that began as a makeshift overnight shelter in the Grace Church Parish Hall. LUW is recognized as a valuable leader in the Westchester outreach community, the City of White Plains and the County. We are both honored and gratified that we had the opportunity to contribute in some small way to what LUW is today.