Help Oasis honor our iconic founder, Marylen Mann, as she celebrates a milestone 85th birthday in March!  

With a small demonstration grant from the U.S. Administration on Aging, Marylen started Oasis in 1982 in St. Louis. Forty years later, Marylen’s pioneering work has helped Oasis: 

  • Support over 587,000 older adults through lifelong learning, active lifestyles and volunteer engagement 

  • Tutor more than 525,000 students through the Intergenerational Tutoring Program 

  • Provide more than 13.7 million volunteers hours to local communities with a cumulative impact of nearly 400 million dollars in volunteer service to the community

  • Partner with more than 800 organizations across the country 

  • Serve older adults in more than 200 communities nationwide 

Your gift will help Oasis to serve this fast-growing older adult population in vibrant programs and also provide educational support to students. Join us as we celebrate Marylen by making a tribute gift in her honor today!