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Marilyn McKinley Parrish

Marilyn will retire in May after 19 years in Archives & Special Collections, with 17 of those years as the Special Collections Librarian & University Archivist for the McNairy Library at Millersville University. She has a BA and MA in History from Penn State, an MLS with a focus in Archives from University of Michigan, and a doctorate in Adult Education from Penn State. During her time at Millersville, Marilyn provided leadership in the library as the department chair for five years and as the chair of the renovation committee for six years. She was instrumental in executing the new vision for the McNairy Library & Learning Forum as well as realizing the MU-WGAL Film Digitation & Preservation Project. Always an advocate for authentic student learning experiences, Marilyn has mentored numerous students through work experiences in Archives & Special Collections, active learning in her classes, co-presenting at conferences, and independent research projects with the McNairy Library Research Fellows program. Additionally, she impacted the University community through her extensive service often focused on social justice and contributed to the profession through her meaningful scholarship. In the library, Marilyn will be most remembered for her kind and thoughtful approach to everything that she does. Not only a mentor to students, she will also be missed as an inspiring and respected colleague.

Send a message or memory to share with Marilyn:

                    Marilyn Parrish
                    c/o Melissa Gold
                    PO Box 1002
                    Millersville, PA 17551-0302

Contribute to the newly created Marilyn McKinley Parrish Award for Excellence in Archives and Special Collections. This award will honor a junior, senior, or graduate student who has worked in Archives and Special Collections. The awardee(s) will receive a minimum of $500 to support their current or future educational goals.

To contribute online, click the link below. To contribute by mail, please make checks payable to "Millersville University Foundation" and in the memo line indicate it is for the "Marilyn Parrish Award."  These can be mailed to:

Duncan Alumni House
PO Box 1002
Millersville, PA 17551