Please Select An Option

  • Individual Ticket

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  • Individual Ticket for 40 yrs old and younger

    Individual Ticket for Individuals 40 years old and younger

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  • Tickets for Couples

    2 tickets

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  • Table of 8

    Tickets for 8 individuals

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  • Virtual Individual Ticket

    Unable to attend the event but would like to participate in the Auction.

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    Premier naming opportunities for event, logo on all promotional materials for event, 10 tickets to event and 10 social media posts

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  • MISSION DRIVIEN SPONOSR $10,000 - $19,999

    Naming opportunity, logo on promotional materials, 8 tickets to event and 8 social media posts.

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  • ADVOCATE $9,999 - $5,000

    Logo on promotional materials, 4 tickets to event and 4 social media posts.

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  • COMMITTED TO SERVICE $4,999 - $2,500

    Logo on website, 2 tickets to event and 2 social media posts.

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  • Blue Hearts $2,499 - $1,000

    Logo on website, 1 ticket to event and 1 social media post.

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  • 1 x Package Name


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$0.00 Total Amount To Be Charged