Help us make #FoodForAll a reality.

To say the last two years have been tumultuous for our community would be an understatement. At the height of the pandemic, we saw over 100,000 people experience food insecurity in Montgomery County. And still, amidst a turbulent economy and rising costs of necessary goods, our neighbors are struggling to get back on their feet.

During these unstable times, Manna has remained a stable backstop for residents in their time of need. Last year we distributed 3.8 million pounds of food across the County. Our school-based programs ensured kids had the sustenance they needed to learn by distributing over 85,000 Smart Sacks weekend bags and sharing nearly 38,000 pounds of food at school-based pantries.

Last Giving Tuesday, you enabled us to meet the continued needs of our community. This Giving Tuesday, we ask for your help again as we strive toward Food For All. 

And just like in years past, our friends at Roberts Oxygen once again challenge you to help us raise $100,000 that will be matched dollar for dollar!

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