MIST 2023   ○   Salam As-Stuy

Muna Faruqi

January 11, 2023 12:00am - July 1, 2023 12:00am

Support for Sudan

With the lack of adequate, international and domestic support, millions of lives in Sudan are being stricken by poverty and famine as they are forced to face the consequences of climate change – such as severe flooding.

Humanitarian Crises Facing Sudan

Sudan, a developing country located in northeast Africa, has been enduring floods for four consecutive years, accompanied by a drought. Flooding has destroyed tens of thousands of agricultural fields, homes, and infrastructurelike water pipes. Without water pipes, neighborhoods consisting of civilians like Attahir Mohammed Jabari are left without clean water. This polluted water then results in dehydration and the ubiquitous spread of waterborne diseases, such as cholera. Flooding also improves the breeding conditions of vectors, such as mosquitoes and desert locusts – the “most dangerous migratory pest species in the world.”

So, Sudan’s agriculture industry is left afflicted by the floods, drought, and locusts. Inadequate environmental conditions prevent the cultivation of common crops, leaving Sudan with no stable food supply. Therefore forcing them to rely on humanitarian aid organizations and the World Food Programme (WPF). Unfortunately, WPF has suspended rations to ⅓ of the 6 million people in need of humanitarian aid in Sudan, a circumstance described by a news reporter as “taking the food from the hungry to feed the starving.” 

Amid famine, flooding, and agricultural ruin, there are economical and political issues facing Sudan as well. Repeated coup attempts over a period of sixty years resulted in a civil war during the 21st century, causing Sudan to split into South Sudan and Sudan. Therefore, millions were displaced as they aimed to seek shelter and protection from the violence of the war. Even in their attempts to reach safety, in Darfur, Sudan, refugee camps are being targeted by the Janjaweed (a militia funded by the government who suppresses rebellions against the Sharia), causing thousands of refugees to again be displaced and dozens killed.

It is expected that in the near future there seems to be no end in sight to these problems – as 9.4 million people will be in need of humanitarian aid, which is 76% of Sudan’s population. However, through your generous donations, we can take one step closer to seeing a light for Sudan.





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Islamic Relief’s Dedication and Aid to Sudan

Flood Responses

After the severe floods hit Sudan, Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) provided them with support in the form of necessary items, such as food packs, water, and sanitation services. 

IRW is also assisting families who have lost their homes to the floods with tents, hygiene kits, and items like blankets, mosquito nets, mats, jerrycans (containers for storing water), soap, shampoo, sanitary pads, toothpaste, and toothbrushes. Of almost 350,000 people affected by the rain and floods in Sudan, IRW is able to provide over 2,000 families with humanitarian aid. 


Water and Women

The flooding also means that it’s difficult to access safe water. However, in central Darfur, IRW is providing them with assistance. This project provides families with equitable, affordable, and safe access to clean water. They’re aiming to improve food security, encourage hygiene and disease presentation, and reduce sexual violence against women and girls. In Darfur, women and girls spend the majority of their day getting water. Not only do they have to spend their time fetching water, but they’re put at risk of sexual violence and abuse during these voyages. 

IRW has repaired 30 hand pumps, built two new hand pumps, and two mini water yards. It’s important to note that these newly available water sources mean that over 200 families can cook, clean, and wash their clothes. In their instability, water is providing them with self-sufficiency. 


South Sudan Refugees

IRW is also extending their help to South Sudanese refugees in Sudan.  Elkharasana Refugee Camp has over 12,000 South Sudanese refugees. IRW built Elkharasana School, a primary school for girls, that follows Sudan’s education system and curriculum to provide them with an education. Sharkous, a 17-year old girl, brightly attends this primary school without shame due to her passion for education. For the refugees, education is one of the most powerful and empowering tools they harness.


Stuy For Sudan

We plan to educate not only our fellow classmates and school facilities but also our neighborhoods and local masjids on our cause and how they can help the people of Sudan. 

In school, we take the initiative to host events and fundraisers to bring awareness and raise funds for our cause. We have meticulously met with each other, planned out multiple events and have carefully crafted a social media campaign through instagram to spread more information on the struggles facing the people of Sudan. 

Some of our in-school events include:

  • Bake Sales 
  • Coin Drives 
  • Rereational Stands (ex. Treat-Decorating, Henna, etc.)
  • Educating Peers through Games

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