MIST 2024   ○   امل

Abdullah Sabir

January 1, 2024 12:00am - August 17, 2024 11:59pm

امل for Yemen

امل, meaning hope, is a youth-led campaign bringing awareness to the ongoing Yemeni Crisis. We strive to educate our community about the hardships that Yemeni people must endure on a daily basis. Our campaign is specifically focusing on the next generation of Yemenis, the children, providing them the basic necessities that many of us may take for granted.​​​​​​​

Funds Rasied





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The World’s Worst Humanitarian Crisis

What is happening in Yemen?

Over 24 million people in Yemen are in need of dire humanitarian assistance, including more than 13 million children. This crisis is attributed to a multitude of factors: constant violence, dependence on foreign aid, food insecurity, collapse of public services, recurrent natural hazards and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Despite humanitarian aid, a staggering 80 percent of the country’s population still struggles to access sustainable healthy food, safe drinking water and adequate health services. To add, preventable diseases such as cholera, diphtheria, measles, and dengue fever still exist in the country today with more than 2.1 million cases reported - 58 percent of them in children. 

Women and children are bearing the brunt of the crisis. Malnutrition rates among this demographic are one of the highest in the world, with 1.3 million mothers and 2.2 million children under the age of five requiring treatment for acute malnutrition. Mass displacement and a crippled economy is jeopardizing education for 3.7 million Yemeni children on top of the existing 8.6 million school-aged children who need education assistance. 

Of the 16  million children in Yemen, the situation is much more dire for the 2.8 million who are orphans. Having lost their parents, these kids are left to navigate this harsh landscape on their own. Forced to work gruesome hours for unlivable wages, sleep countless nights starving under the backdrop of shelling and bombardment, and missing out on schooling due to the lack of resources. This is not a childhood anyone wants to have. And it doesn't have to be like this.  

How is Amal raising money through IRUSA for Yemen?

Our campaign is focused on two things: obtaining contributions, and educating our community.

Currently to obtain donations we are using traditional methods such as word of mouth and door to door. However, to increase our reach and the impact of our campaign we are in the process of creating more venues of engagement. We have spoken with 3 masjids to have our campaign be advertised to their communities. We also like to use our campaign to be a catalyst of friendship and strengthen our own communities. So we are creating masjid and school bake sales, raffle tickets for biweekly halaqah gift-boxes, and merchandise. This diversification allows for all ages and members of our community to get involved and help Yemen orphans.  

Educating our community is also a top priority for our campaign. Donations are a short term solution; an aware and active community ensures the longevity of our help. One way we hope to achieve this is by maintaining a strong social media presence on popular platforms, such as Instagram (@amal.for.yemen) and Facebook. Furthermore, we are working in tandem with local highschool MSAs and universities MSAs to educate people about the struggles and hardships that Yemenis face. 

How Can You Help Yemen?

Your support is critical in helping our brothers and sisters in Yemen. 

What your donation can provide:

$25          Basic Household Resources 

$50          Provide Food Aid

$100        Relief for Emergency Survivors

$150        Deliever Hygiene Kits

$250        Allow for Vocational Training        

$500        Open up for Access for Healthcare


EVERY dollar can help us get closer to our hope of a better future for Yemeni orphans. Inshallah.


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